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[Personal] Review of ZAGGmate (Bluetooth Keyboard/Case)

I see they call it a Zaggmate for the iPad1 and a Zaggfolio for the iPad2. Are they much different or is it just a matter of Zagg not wanting confusion by called them both Zaggmates?
ZAGGmate is original for iPad 1. Logitech Keyboard Case by ZAGG is the same product with some upgrades (no moving part for stand and improved keyboard) for iPad 2. Finally, ZAGGfolio is a new product that is a more traditional folio that covers both sides of iPad 2. It also has the newer keyboard and the keyboard is removable. I hope this helps clear up any confusion.
I see they call it a Zaggmate for the iPad1 and a Zaggfolio for the iPad2. Are they much different or is it just a matter of Zagg not wanting confusion by called them both Zaggmates?
Simplest thing is to go to ZAGG.com and look at the models. I moved to the folio as well (for my iPad2) and think it is by far the best option.
Hi, I have ZaggFolio kbd. But can I switch between apps with kbd shortcut ? Like alt+tab in win os ? Is it possible somehow ? 10x in advance
If you double click the home button, it will bring up the task switching bar underneath and will let you slide between apps. This process can not be done entirely by the ZAGGfolio keyboard because Apple doesn't allow it in iOS.

I hope that this information is helpful.
This is official answer from Zagg about kbd features:

In regards to your email, thank you for your purchase of the ZAGGfolio! I would like to inform you that this product will work just like any other Bluetooth keyboard in a sense that it is up to the iPad 2 to do these functions. The keyboard itself would be no different in controlling the iPad 2 as the on-screen keyboard. That being said, here are some of the shortcuts:

Home - Brings you to the iPad 2 home screen
Search - Brings up the iPad 2 search screen
Slideshow - Starts playing slideshow of saved pictures
Virtual keyboard - Allows you to hide or show iPad 2 on-screen keyboard
Lock - makes the iPad 2 screen go dark and come back when pressed again
International Keyboard - Toggles between international keyboards
Other function keys: Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo
Music function keys: Previous track, Play/Pause, Next track, Mute, Volume down, Volume up

Copy: Command C
Cut: Command X
Paste: Command V
Undo: Command Z
End: Command right arrow
Beginning: Command Left Arrow
Page UP: Command Up Arrow
Page Down: Command Down Arrow
Select All: Command A
Select Left: Shift Left
Select Right: Shift Right
Select Down: Shift Down
Select Up: Shift Up
Tomcsy44- please call ZAGG. Best Buy policy allows them to do warranty only for a few months. However, the ZAGgmate has a full 1 year manufacturer warranty. We will swap you out a new one no problem. Chances are, both of yours were from the first batch that had a power button that could break. It is documented on this forum. Those have been fixed for a while. I'm very sorry for your trouble. Please allow us to take care of this for you. You are also welcome to private message me with the details and I can take care of this for you. Thanks, David.
The faulty switch was just on a few and we have no way of knowing who bought which units when purchased at Best Buy. Nevertheless, I appreciate your point and apologize once again for any inconvenience this has caused you. I'll email you to see if there is something else we can do to help out. Thanks for your comments.
The faulty switch was just on a few and we have no way of knowing who bought which units when purchased at Best Buy. Nevertheless, I appreciate your point and apologize once again for any inconvenience this has caused you. I'll email you to see if there is something else we can do to help out. Thanks for your comments.

Don't have the Zaggmate keyboard/case. Doesn't work as well for my particular needs as an alternative approach. But having said that I've had a number of Zagg products over the years and have been consistently impressed with the quality of customer service the company provides.

All companies make errors, some of which are beyond their control. The quality of a firm is not demonstrated by avoiding the occasional error. It's what their response to that error is. Zagg passes that test with flying colors in my experience.
I have a Zagg Folio and I love it, but ...Has anyone else found these issues? 1. Both of the two tabs at the top of the keyboard (against which the screen rests) have torn off. Not sure what they do, but I assume they're not just an architectural feature. If anyone else has seen this, what have you done?

Second, just today the delete and enter keys are only working intermittently. I've have to "forget" the keyboard, turn off the keyboard, turn on the keyboard, discover the iPad, type in the 4 number key, and press the enter key. Which only works intermittently!

Any advice? Thanks,
Rich Galen
I love my Zagg folio, and it's been great to uuse while travelling. BUUT, as youu can tell, there's a real problem with the letter "uu". It's almost impossible to get it to do anything other muultiple uu's. I'm away from home right now, and won't be retuurning uutil late Suunday night. I still have my packing slips, so I'm hoping it'll be easy to get this resolved.

Dispite the problem with the letter "uu", I still love it!
I think double typing issues have been discussed before. They,as I remember, have been solved by turning off the Zagg; turning on and off Bluetooth in Settings>General; "Forgetting" this keyboard; then restarting the whole thing re-pairing, etc. See if that works.

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