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[Personal] Review of ZAGGmate (Bluetooth Keyboard/Case)

Mine doesn't work either.

I just bought it and I've been charging it for more than twenty four hours. It just wouldn't work, and it can only be turned on when I charge it. Once I unplugg it, it does not work.
sharony said:
I just bought it and I've been charging it for more than twenty four hours. It just wouldn't work, and it can only be turned on when I charge it. Once I unplugg it, it does not work.

It sounds like a call to customer services is in order.

The Archangel
Sorry to hear that you are experiencing some difficulties with your ZAGGmate. Please contact ZAGG customer service as soon as possible. We want to ensure that you are taken care of and exceed your expectations.
tdmsu said:
Does the cord used to charge need to be from ZAGG, or will any micro USB to USB cord work?

I think any cord will work as long as one end is the standard USB and the other end fits into the keyboard. The cord that came with my Zaggmate did not have a wall plug so I use the wall plug that came with my iPad.
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I found the cord, but discovers that the plug is broken on the keyboard... Contacting zagg customer service.
I dropped my iPad while on a trip overseas. Not just onto a hard floor, but on a CORNER of the case on the hard floor. The side of the case shattered, but that absorbed the shock and left my iPad uninjured. Another really good reason to buy a ZAGG Folio.
I am using my iPad more and more, and finally caved and bought the Zaggmate. I am torn. I like the look, feel, form, function etc. But, as someone who has protected his iPad with a portfolio style case since day-one, I am uncomfortable about using it naked when not using the Zaggmate. I love how it acts as a cover, and I use the Built neoprene slip case to carry it around, but when I take it off, it's completely unprotected and I have a hard time reconciling this.

Any thoughts?
I think if you are using it naked in a relatively safe environment, it would be fine. Now, I don't think I would be comfortable using it naked at work or in a greasy diner! :)
tdmsu said:
I think if you are using it naked in a relatively safe environment, it would be fine. Now, I don't think I would be comfortable using it naked at work or in a greasy diner! :)

Thanks. This makes sense.
gedansky said:
Thanks. This makes sense.

I recently got a ZAGGMATE for my iPad 1 & really like it, mostly. I had a folio for 2 years, and found it wasn't perfect either. I find I am using the iPad more, and like a laptop. Seems like a MacBook Air. I, too, have a sleeve I transport it in. I like the freedom of moving from laptop to tablet, particularly when using in bed. I had no problem setting it up or operating it. I am seriously considering getting ZAGG covering for my iPad back & front. It has only a few scrapes, which is not bad for being 2 years old.
I'm having a problem with my zagg too

I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying your ZAGGfolio, but apologize that you're experiencing issues with your keyboard double typing the letter u. I will be contacting you directly to see if we can get this issue resolved.

Thank you.

My shift keys type the wrong thing too. The left shift key prints a bracket and the right one prints a colon. I have already repaired the two devices and charged it fully. Help please!
I bought a ZAGG folio a few months ago and I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I encountered. My keyboard was paired with my ipad but a few weeks ago the keys stopped working and now I can't use it with my ipad. I try to pair it but since many of the keys don't work I cannot use it. I have no idea why the keys stopped working. What should i do?

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