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Hooray,australian forum

I know what you mean the Melbourne chadstone store is alway chocker with people and customers.
It's hard to really check out the new products and get help or just ask a few questions.
That's why this forum will be a great asset
Saves standing in line
I know what you mean, I've been there twice and it was chaos both times, because of that I bought the apple care deal and now deal with apple over the phone and they have been more than helpful, even sent me free leather smart cover for the stuff around that I had
55julie55 said:
Has anyone from Australia been able to view their abc Iview out side of australia ?

I just tried last week from Vancouver and it was reliant on Au technology, we accessed it through the BBC web page , actually found more to view from there so it was a good outcome and as it was streaming from the www it didn't matter where we were, we just needed wi-fi.
Is there anyone from australia out there?

I is from Melbourne, Drive past Chaddie every day, I totally agree with what you say about alwayssssss crowed in there!!!!, This forum and Google give much better advice and suggestion too :D

And like you I hate waiting for ppl to wake and answer my silly questions lol;)
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Can you talk me through the process to view.
In Vanuatu at present on wi fi and abciview is geographically locked out.
55julie55 said:
Has anyone from Australia been able to view their abc Iview out side of australia ?

Hi Julie, if you look on ABC iView FAQ page it states that access to iView is geo-blocked because management rights limit them to only making content available in Australia.
Hi Julie, if you look on ABC iView FAQ page it states that access to iView is geo-blocked because management rights limit them to only making content available in Australia.

Which is the same with many sites world wide try streaming from the BBC's iVew equivalent from outside the UK.

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