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How do I delete imported photos?

Simon, here is the answer.
Open the Photos app [daisy]
Open an album
Click on the right facing arrow in the upper right corner
Click on each photo you want to delete, a blue surrounded check mark will appear in the right bottom corner.
You will notice that there is a Delete button in the upper left. Pressing it will delete each photo you have checked. There is no recovery that I know of, so select carefully. If you change your mind before deleting, click on the check mark again. If you want to cancel all the checks, there is a Cancel button in the upper right corner [blue surround]
Good luck.
I also imported pictures from a Nikon and the iPAD puts them in as Events - pictures import all at once, but a Separate Event for Each day of photo shooting. How do I get them to a Saved Photos Album, so I can delete the JUNK PHOTOS? I will be doing professional undersea dive photography and above ground personal photos. I really don't what to have to edit each picture in Photogene in order to get it into a Saved Photos album. Isn't there better handling. I am NOT BRINGING my 12 pound Macbook. Too many weight limits with dive equipment and camera equipment.
Many thanks as I just deleted all imported pictures from the iPad which were placed there via a camera connection. (2500 from a recent trip) The pictures were then loaded from my CF card to the MBP and edited and stored as I wished.

Deleting photos, it's not working

Simon, here is the answer.
Open the Photos app [daisy]
Open an album
Click on the right facing arrow in the upper right corner
Click on each photo you want to delete, a blue surrounded check mark will appear in the right bottom corner.
You will notice that there is a Delete button in the upper left. Pressing it will delete each photo you have checked. There is no recovery that I know of, so select carefully. If you change your mind before deleting, click on the check mark again. If you want to cancel all the checks, there is a Cancel button in the upper right corner [blue surround]
Good luck.
I did this and the red button appears, but it never did anything I checked all the pictures but it did not delete . Please help
I am trying to delete photos from the iPad. I go through the instructions, but I never get the 'delete' button in the upper left. I get buttons for 'email', 'copy' and 'print', but no delete. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for the help.
Apple need to fix this issue. In the meantime, Mac users can delete imported photos on their iPad using Preview:

Connect iPad to Mac.

Open preview: Applications > Preview

File > Import from XXX iPad

Select photos to delete and press the red delete button at the bottom. It's not particularly fast, but better than waring your finger out with the batch-delete option.
This situation is crazy! From Windows, you can't easily identify which images are the "Latest Import" so that you could delete them.

In my case, I had access to a MCB (=MacBook Pro), so I performed a duplicate import from iPad into MBP to the iPhoto app, then selected Delete after the import finished. (I had already, indipendantly imported from my camera into Light Room on my PC).

Apple really should add a Delete Album button to iOS.

Hope this helps a little...
Found this tip that works on my photos imported from the SD card via camera connection kit. Allows selection of multiple photos. I've selected up to 57 photos so far by scrolling once I've selected all visible thumbnails on the screen.

"Here’s a neat little iPad tip that I spotted over at Mac OS X Hints this morning. It’s a slick alternative way to select multiple photos in the iPad photo library.

The way I’ve always known to select multiple photos in any album in the photo library is to tap the Share button at the top right of the screen and then tap on each photo you want to select. This of course comes in very handy when you want to copy or delete a number of photos at once.

The new method takes some getting used to, but is quite effective once you get the hang of it. Here’s how it works:

– Go into any album in your iPad photo library, and tap on the Share button at the top right of the screen

– Tap with two fingers held close together (I find index and middle easiest, your mileage may vary) and hold just for the briefest moment and then drag the two fingers across all the photos you want to select.

I’ve found that this works best when the iPad is laid flat or otherwise held in a very stable position; and when the tap and drag is as close to one continuous motion as possible – as in, tap and drag in one smooth motion across a row of photos. You can also drag up and down – but I’ve found I’m not able to do more than about three rows at a time. That’s 21 photos though, so that’s not bad – especially when I want to do a quick clear out in an album.

It took me a few tries to get this method working well, but once I did I found I like it a lot. Hope it’s helpful for some of you too."
exceptionally easy

I'm not sure if this is still relevant, but on a Mac, this is exceptionally easy. Always remember to back up your photos.

-Connect your iPad to your computer (doesn't matter if iTunes is open or not, just make sure you're not syncing)
-Open Image Capture (you can also import pictures from your device here, too)
-Make sure your iPad is listed under Devices, then simply select all and click the delete button. I was able to delete roughly 5000 photos in about 3 minutes (not exceptionally fast, but it does work better than selecting each one)

I had the same problem, and stumbled on this forum too, to no avail.
The salvation came with a video that makes the process much easier.
Although Apple has, as usual, oversimplified causing complications for UX, there is a trick to make it easier to delete.

1. Open folder with photos, hit 'edit'.
2. Tap and hold one photo with 2 fingers, then smoothly drag across the screen. All the photos get selected!

See the video for more:
Search for "Delete imported photos ipad", and watch the video that is of 1:13 length.

Hope it helps. It did for me.

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