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How do I email a photo?

After searching for an answer to this question, the instructions said to "click on the Options button in the upper right corner of the screen (the right arrow icon bursting out of the square)". After selecting the photo I'd like to email, the only thing I have at the top right corner of the screen is "Edit". I don't have "View Slideshow" or the right arrow icon bursting out of the square. What can I do to attach a photo to an email? Thanks.
After searching for an answer to this question, the instructions said to "click on the Options button in the upper right corner of the screen (the right arrow icon bursting out of the square)". After selecting the photo I'd like to email, the only thing I have at the top right corner of the screen is "Edit". I don't have "View Slideshow" or the right arrow icon bursting out of the square. What can I do to attach a photo to an email? Thanks.
the symbol to tap is at the bottom left of the screen when looking at the selected photo in the camera roll. Follow the directions in these pictures to email your photo.



It is also possible to send a picture while in the Mail app. Just tap and hold in the body of the email until you get the magnifying glass. Let go and you should have a pop-up menu. One of the options should be Insert Photo or Video. Choosing this will let you brows you choose a photo from your library.

Repeat as necessary for each photo you wish to add. Hold in mind really big emails with tons of photos can get blocked by your or the sender's servers.

As an alternative to scifan57's single photo method, you can email up to five at a time from the Photos app. When viewing thumbnails look for the Select button (usually at the top right). Tap it then tap up to five photos. Selected photos will have a blue checkmark on the thumbnail.

The share button moves from the bottom left to the top left. (box with up arrow). Tap it and proceed as before.

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