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How i can save my apps in flash drive with help of pc ?

The easiest way is just to run a search on your PC for *.ipa
This will list all your IOS application files that are stored in iTunes. Once you have found their location, you can copy any of these files to a flash drive as a back up. You could take this flash drive on vacation with you but if you wanted to restore these apps to your iPad from a family member's pc and not your own, you would need to install iTunes and then authenticate this PC as an allowed PC under you iTunes account before you could sync these apps to your iPad.

If the biggest issue you are facing is someone accidentally deleting an app from your iPad, the best option is to go into Settings\General\Restrictions and turn the option for 'Deleting Apps' to off. This way, no one can delete an app without first providing a passcode which only you should know.
donka said:
The easiest way is just to run a search on your PC for *.ipa
This will list all your IOS application files that are stored in iTunes. Once you have found their location, you can copy any of these files to a flash drive as a back up. You could take this flash drive on vacation with you but if you wanted to restore these apps to your iPad from a family member's pc and not your own, you would need to install iTunes and then authenticate this PC as an allowed PC under you iTunes account before you could sync these apps to your iPad.

If the biggest issue you are facing is someone accidentally deleting an app from your iPad, the best option is to go into Settings\General\Restrictions and turn the option for 'Deleting Apps' to off. This way, no one can delete an app without first providing a passcode which only you should know.

Thanks slot, I am really nearby solution,what u suggest if I buy new lap top and I want to transfer al stuf I have on I pad,I pod and few applications I have downloaded in I tunes......some one above said that I can again down load them free from I tunes,right but I got over 300 apps , and it will take lots of time to download again and I dnt remember all of them ..
If you buy a new laptop, the easiest thing to do is copy the entire music folder from the iTunes library path on your old PC and copy this onto the new laptop. Now install iTunes and change the library path under preferences to this folder you copied over and also check the box to let iTunes manage your library. You will be asked to authenticate this PC the first time you try to sync your iPad and you should be good to go after that.
donka said:
If you buy a new laptop, the easiest thing to do is copy the entire music folder from the iTunes library path on your old PC and copy this onto the new laptop. Now install iTunes and change the library path under preferences to this folder you copied over and also check the box to let iTunes manage your library. You will be asked to authenticate this PC the first time you try to sync your iPad and you should be good to go after that.

I'm my drive there is a folder named I tunes and it's dive is in 7 or more gigs,you are talking about that folder? This folder will be having al of my stuff, music,movies,books,apps,games?
I'm my drive there is a folder named I tunes and it's dive is in 7 or more gigs,you are talking about that folder? This folder will be having al of my stuff, music,movies,books,apps,games?

Yes, that sounds like the one. Of course if you afre only interested in retaining the apps then you only need to back up that one sub folder.
If the biggest issue you are facing is someone accidentally deleting an app from your iPad, the best option is to go into Settings\General\Restrictions and turn the option for 'Deleting Apps' to off. This way, no one can delete an app without first providing a passcode which only you should know.

+1. In child-proofing my iPad, I find this feature to be essential. It would be better, of course, if I could create a separate "user account" on my iPad for my daughter as I do on her netbook, but Apple doesn't seem to recognize that an iPad might have multiple users.
donka said:
Yes, that sounds like the one. Of course if you afre only interested in retaining the apps then you only need to back up that one sub folder.

I thought music and movies are in that I tunes folder, but all data is in that folder, that's great , so if I install I tunes in my external hd , and copy I tunes folder in external hd ,and in my preference I guide I tunes that folder then it will work?
donka said:
Yes, that sounds like the one. Of course if you afre only interested in retaining the apps then you only need to back up that one sub folder.

I thought music and movies are in that I tunes folder, but all data is in that folder, that's great , so if I install I tunes in my external hd , and copy I tunes folder in external hd ,and in my preference I guide I tunes that folder then it will work?

In theory yes but if you install iTunes to your external drive, it will most likely only work when that drive is plugged into the computer on which you did the installation since all the registry entries relating to that install will be on the computer and not on the external drive.
donka said:
In theory yes but if you install iTunes to your external drive, it will most likely only work when that drive is plugged into the computer on which you did the installation since all the registry entries relating to that install will be on the computer and not on the external drive.

Oh yes I got t ....and when I will have cloud then what I will do ? Do u have any idea about cloud ? What will be use to my data in external hd ? Cloud offers free 5 gb I think but my data is alot more ...
You would have no need to store your apps in the cloud since you can download them from the App Store to your device anyway. I don't know much about how the iCloud service will work otherwise at the moment as I don't have any experience with it.
Once iCloud services become available they should work as they do now (in beta) in the U.S.

You will see a new Purchased option in the Apps Store. You can choose this to see all the apps you've ever purchased and re-download them for free.

You can download them now (for free), but you have to remember what they are, search for them, be certain it is the right app, then download. If you do own the app, you will not be charged. If you make a mistake, you just bought a new app. It's not likely you'll make that mistake, but in the case of apps with many similarly named versions it could happen.
On Windows 7 your Apps will be in the folder:

C:\Users\your user name\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Mobile Applications

But there is an easier way...

In iTunes, switch to the Apps view in the left hand pane. Right Click on ANY app and select "Show in Windows Explorer". This will open explorer to the location all your apps are stored in. You can then drag them to any flash drive or other location that you want...

Just to make it clear though, in case you think you can just share them with your friends, you can't. All your apps are digitally signed to your iTunes account and will only work on devices authorised to your account. There is very little point in copying Apps anywhere else on their own. You should however be backing up all your entire iTunes library for safety!

Hope that helps.
f4780y said:
On Windows 7 your Apps will be in the folder:

C:\Users\your user name\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Mobile Applications

But there is an easier way...

In iTunes, switch to the Apps view in the left hand pane. Right Click on ANY app and select "Show in Windows Explorer". This will open explorer to the location all your apps are stored in. You can then drag them to any flash drive or other location that you want...

Just to make it clear though, in case you think you can just share them with your friends, you can't. All your apps are digitally signed to your iTunes account and will only work on devices authorised to your account. There is very little point in copying Apps anywhere else on their own. You should however be backing up all your entire iTunes library for safety!

Hope that helps.

Great, I usually change net books very often , so I have problems with me always ..thanks a lot ....another great idea,,my problem is solved..any more suggestions?

Sent from my heart ,using my brain ..

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