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How many apps on an average do people have

1300+ of apps on my itunes library. and 300+ on my ipad. :p

OMG. I am embarrassed to say how many I have!

Joy ~ you need some deep seeded counseling, woman.:D

LOL I couldnt let go of some of them. Maybe I have this disease , that I might need the app in the future. So I download them. My eldest daughter is just 9 and I already set aside some algebra apps for her :);)

umm...can we say, Appaholic?

There's an app for that, ya know!:D
109 apps! It's not a lot though, but that's because I tend to delete the apps that I dislike, or don't use.

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Wow I only have 28! I really have to like an app before I hit the install/buy button!
Maybe I should go back shopping for apps???

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85 on my Ipad, about 50% children's books and games , probably 60 more on iTunes. My wife has around 40 on hers.
I have my daughters books in 1 folder and her games in another, shopping in another , business in another, GPS apps in yet another and my games in their own with a few scattered on my home screen that I use most often. I forgot, news /weather have their own folder.
I don't like a cluttered home screen either. Folders on 1 screen, the few non foldered on another .

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