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How many of you will consider an Android Tablet?

Will you consider purchasing an Android tablet?

  • Yes! It will replace my iPad.

    Votes: 22 9.7%
  • Yes! But I'll keep my iPad too.

    Votes: 35 15.5%
  • No! I'll keep my iPad.

    Votes: 119 52.7%
  • Maybe. I have to use it before I decide.

    Votes: 50 22.1%

  • Total voters
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Not every single one of my posts is anti iPad, just the ones that you pay attention to.

I never said that Flash ran smoothly on the Galaxy S, quite the opposite, I said it runs fairly choppy, but that's the point, it RUNS. I was able to completely configure the car we were interested in buying from the manufacturers website. I was able to bring up the site while at the local military sales dealer here to compare option lists and prices to their own prices. It wasn't a smooth process, but it wasn't pulling teeth either, the phone got the job done. These new tablets with more powerful processors and an optimized OS run it will run it even better.
I would gladly pay the $70 premium over the iPad for the added functionality of the Xoom.


Yup, $800. Can't say I'm sure what Motorola was thinking making it slightly more expensive than a comparable iPad, regardless if the specs are much better or not. I will pay the premium like I said, because I am that disappointed with my iPad and that enthusiastic about Honeycomb, but I don't know if everyone will.

Hopefully a Wi-Fi only version will come out for about $100 cheaper. If it still retains GPS and is out within a couple months, I'll get it. Other than that, I'm now anxiously awaiting info on the LG tablet, Galaxy Tab 2, and the Asus tablets.

Please enlighten us on this "added function" above the iPad...besides being the most cumbersome camera ever made?

WAIT, let me guess!!! FLASH!!

That seems to be all anyone cares about, even tho the apps available for android are the worst around...it will probably be a choppy and horrible experience and anything you can do in flash you can do with an app.

Please go get a Xoom so you can start visiting their forum and complaining about how much it sucks and you miss your iPad.

You are like an awful troll and somehow you are also a moderator. Doesn't reflect well on this forum.

As much as I agree with you about the message you are trying to convey, calling him a troll is against the forum rules and you are stooping down to his level. You have to take the high ground with these kind of people or you fall into the trap they are laying for you.
As much as I agree with you about your message, calling him a troll is against the forum rules and you are stooping down to his level. You have to take the high ground with these kind of people or you fall into the trap they are laying for you.

Eh, whatever. Let him ban me then. I am not going to NOT call him a troll as he is sitting in here trolling his heart out.
I hate android not because I am a fanboy...I hate android because it is a pathetic excuse for an iPhone clone....and I know this because I have been lugging around that piece of crap for a year now!! I was 100% all about android when I got it....but it sucks...and no amount of apple hate can derail that.


as for your glorious iPad clone:


Front/Rear cameras: Couldn't care less
You will when the iPad2 has them.

Better user interface: Total matter of opinion...I personally hate its jumbled mess of a UI and its slow everything
You have never used a Honeycomb tablet. More trollin here.

Customizable user interface: if you want more customization options jailbreak...you have to root for most advanced customizations in android anyway.

Point me how to change the keyboard on the iPad. I want arrow keys. I can do this on Android without rooting. I can't do this on the iPad even if I jailbreak.

Widgets: great, something else to bog it down and make it run even worse

They do, but they are convenient and with the new hardware there is more than enough power to handle some widgets.

True multitasking: What does that even mean? Sure you can have things running in the background and draining your battery and making everything else run slowly....great...enjoy that.

Will do.

Expandable memory: I have barely filled half of mine..and with things like Air Video, Zumocast, Splashtop Remote, Pandora, EyeTV, Hulu, Orb, etc what do I need more internal memory for??


HDMI out: It's a PORTABLE DEVICE!!! I have a PS3 and Mac Mini in the living room.

Might be news to you, but people leave their house. Oh, look what you did, now I'm trollin.

Flash: Don't care


More RAM for more simultaneous apps: iOS is built to work with what it has and it works damn good....what do you need more RAM for when it already works....oh yeah, to drain more battery...great.

I would like for apps to not autoclose in the background the instant I launch a game.

Dual core processor: Half battery life! Woohoo!

You obviously are an expert in computing.
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