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How many of you will consider an Android Tablet?

Will you consider purchasing an Android tablet?

  • Yes! It will replace my iPad.

    Votes: 22 9.7%
  • Yes! But I'll keep my iPad too.

    Votes: 35 15.5%
  • No! I'll keep my iPad.

    Votes: 119 52.7%
  • Maybe. I have to use it before I decide.

    Votes: 50 22.1%

  • Total voters
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You do have a point there, but like you said its not 100% nor does it run smoothly as would be expected. Like I said, I've got a pretty good tax return so I will be getting both the Xoom and the iPad 2. So ya can be sure I will offer my honest opinion on both.

It doesn't run smoothly because they hacked the emulator source onto the nook. Its about as messy a hack as you can make, but the guy doing it is a genius from what I read and has done amazing work. There is no reason it should be working as well as it is at this point, but the developer has taken to basically writing his own drivers. Once Honeycomb is actually officially launched and the source code is released, then we will see it all over the place being ported using much less messy techniques.
Despite the problems Notion Ink has been running into with meeting preorder demand, the Adam itself is proving to be a pretty good tablet, starting at $399 (once they fill preorders) which isn't too bad for the specs. Most people don't like the "Eden" user interface that Notion Ink has developed for it, but that's the great thing about Android, if you don't like the user interface, you can completely change it.

The Adam is still on my short list of possible purchases, but I want to wait to see what the actual pricing on the Xoom is going to be as well as the LG tablet.
Despite the problems Notion Ink has been running into with meeting preorder demand, the Adam itself is proving to be a pretty good tablet, starting at $399 (once they fill preorders) which isn't too bad for the specs. Most people don't like the "Eden" user interface that Notion Ink has developed for it, but that's the great thing about Android, if you don't like the user interface, you can completely change it.

The Adam is still on my short list of possible purchases, but I want to wait to see what the actual pricing on the Xoom is going to be as well as the LG tablet.

I am sure we will find out tonight during the superbowl how much the Xoom is. There is a reason they only leaked the first half of their commercial to sites like Engadget, and I think that is in part due to them revealing the price.
What I like about the ipad is iOS and how it is integrated with itunes and it's all so stable. Plus, having an ipad and an iphone is almost like just having one device. An Android would only add complexity and headaches for me.

I don't buy it. I have an android phone and an iPad and it doesn't add any complexity for me. I don't like having to purchase documents to go twice but outside of that app everything integrates nicely. Dropbox, gmail, exchange...all my stuff is available on both devices under completely different platforms. If there was a way to combine the two marketplaces into one ( preferably google's) my world would be perfection.

What's wrong with the size? Similar size screen as the iPad, just widescreen instead of standard.

This is a long video, but a good rundown of some of the features of the Xoom:


I started watching on iPad. Start/stop/freeze like all vids seem to do. At 17:05 in on iPad, i started the same vid on my Droid. it played like a TV show on my Droid on the same wifi network. At 35:36 on the iPad the vid that started 17 minutes later on my Droid, caught up and passed the iPad!?!? Why is streaming so horrible on iPad?
Loading videos on YouTube is something many iPad owners have difficulty with, myself included. No one seems to have a real solution that works for everyone. I've given up on loading YouTube videos on my iPad.
What's wrong with the size? Similar size screen as the iPad, just widescreen instead of standard.

This is a long video, but a good rundown of some of the features of the Xoom:


That, my friend, was a great video. I think I just wet my pants a little. I have got to get one of these devices when it hits the market.


You don't have to limit yourself to the Xoom. There will be many tablets coming out over the next few months using that same operating system.
What's wrong with the size? Similar size screen as the iPad, just widescreen instead of standard.

This is a long video, but a good rundown of some of the features of the Xoom:


That, my friend, was a great video. I think I just wet my pants a little. I have got to get one of these devices when it hits the market.


You don't have to limit yourself to the Xoom. There will be many tablets coming out over the next few months using that same operating system.

Especially because Motorola seems not to understand what market they are going after. Its pretty much confirmed $800 and launching Feb 24th at Best Buy. And it looks like there might not be a wifi version at all. Seriously Motorola:

I would gladly pay the $70 premium over the iPad for the added functionality of the Xoom.


Yup, $800. Can't say I'm sure what Motorola was thinking making it slightly more expensive than a comparable iPad, regardless if the specs are much better or not. I will pay the premium like I said, because I am that disappointed with my iPad and that enthusiastic about Honeycomb, but I don't know if everyone will.

Hopefully a Wi-Fi only version will come out for about $100 cheaper. If it still retains GPS and is out within a couple months, I'll get it. Other than that, I'm now anxiously awaiting info on the LG tablet, Galaxy Tab 2, and the Asus tablets.
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....saw that Xoom commercial....all the hype...all this "freedom" speech and shit....and THAT was it?1 SERIOUSLY?! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?! THAT WAS HORRID! I hope that wasn't the entire thing...
The commercial was pretty pointless, was hoping for some actual info, like a release date or price, but we got a typical teaser commercial instead.
Interesting. Anyone see the fine print "to activate Wi-Fi functionality on this device, a minimum of 1 month data subscription is required"

That makes no sense at all. You have to pay an extra $20 to use the Wi-Fi? I wonder if that's a Motorola thing or a Best Buy thing. Lame either way.
Interesting. Anyone see the fine print "to activate Wi-Fi functionality on this device, a minimum of 1 month data subscription is required"

That makes no sense at all. You have to pay an extra $20 to use the Wi-Fi? I wonder if that's a Motorola thing or a Best Buy thing. Lame either way.

Motorola, I'd say. I used to work for best buy, its actually against corporate policy to charge extra for a service that is universally accepted. (at least that was policy a few years ago)
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