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How many of you will consider an Android Tablet?

Will you consider purchasing an Android tablet?

  • Yes! It will replace my iPad.

    Votes: 22 9.7%
  • Yes! But I'll keep my iPad too.

    Votes: 35 15.5%
  • No! I'll keep my iPad.

    Votes: 119 52.7%
  • Maybe. I have to use it before I decide.

    Votes: 50 22.1%

  • Total voters
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Well, since Apple hasn't released any official word on specs or pricing for the iPad 2 we have to base it off of the price of the current iPad.

Didn't Apple announce the iPad last year at the MWC? Or did they have their own event? MWC 2011 is coming up in a week where we will get full specs on the LG tablet and probably some others. Maybe the iPad 2 will make an appearance?

They had their own Event. I thought it was announced at MacWorld, was it not? Jan. 27th, 2010
Last week I was bought a galaxy tab android 2.2 and very pleased with it now I can view flash websites and use it for conferences via webcam which works well.

I do use the iPad still which I am still pleased with :)
If we have to compare new products then we would have to compare to ipad2. iPad came out a year ago and unfortunately we don't know what iPad 2 will cost.

By new I was referring to non refurbished units which is what I assumed the $420 figure was coming from. Apple still list the base price of the iPad at $499 for the 16GB WiFi version.
Last week I was bought a galaxy tab android 2.2 and very pleased with it now I can view flash websites and use it for conferences via webcam which works well.

I do use the iPad still which I am still pleased with :)

Glad to hear that it is working out for you. As much as people on this site bash Adobe Flash, it still is a very good multimedia and interactive content interface that MANY people utilize. I'm not a big fan of the Galaxy Tab due to its price, but with millions sold it's obviously working well for people.
I think many people would choose not to use flash if they had a choice, but for some sites there are no choices. Flash crashes a lot. That's a fact. I'm not a fan of Apple in general and I do wish they offered flash as an option or as an app, but it's not a good product.
Before I got my MacBook Pro I experienced almost zero crashes in Flash. Seems like in Safari though Flash crashes every 10 minutes. When I use Firefox I get no crashes.

I also have not experienced a single crash while using Flash on my Galaxy S either.
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I was reading about the Xzoom. Quite a bit, actually. It will have a lot of features, apparently. Cameras, SD slot, flash. I don't like the size though.

It was very ineresting.
What's wrong with the size? Similar size screen as the iPad, just widescreen instead of standard.

This is a long video, but a good rundown of some of the features of the Xoom:

What I like about the ipad is iOS and how it is integrated with itunes and it's all so stable. Plus, having an ipad and an iphone is almost like just having one device. An Android would only add complexity and headaches for me.
No, it wouldn't. There is an App for Android that will allow to use iTunes to sync your media to it. Excellent app and gets great reviews!
No, it wouldn't. There is an App for Android that will allow to use iTunes to sync your media to it. Excellent app and gets great reviews!

My quoted post from the Xoom Forums:

See, therein lies the problem. No one has really had their hands on honeycomb. Everything has been in a contolled environment. While apple has been ahead in the tablet line, you have to remember they've had years to perfect their OS. While its user interface may not be what everyone wants, it gets the job done and does a mighty fine job of it. Android has a lot of catching up to do, and people who think that honeycomb will be perfection right out of the gate are living in a dream world. Sorry, but thats the truth. And if its priced higher than the iPad, people will be more inclined to go with the money saver in this economy. I am by no means an apple fan boy, just pointing out things that have been pointed out already on the iPad forum. -shrug- my 2 cents.

A lower price will equal better sales. The OS will speak for itself over time.

It doesnt matter how cool the device is. the OS will sell devices.
Actually Honeycomb is already in the hands of Nook Color owners and while the port isn't 100% functional it is close to fully functional and the general consensus is that it's a very good OS for a tablet. Also that is on a 800mhz single core processor.

But again, it all depends what you are looking for in an OS. I enjoy Android 2.2 on the Galaxy Tab more than I like iOS 4. So Honeycomb will only be an improvement especially when on a device actually meant for it.
You do have a point there, but like you said its not 100% nor does it run smoothly as would be expected. Like I said, I've got a pretty good tax return so I will be getting both the Xoom and the iPad 2. So ya can be sure I will offer my honest opinion on both.
I think Apple will hit between 40 to 50 million tablets while the rest will be doing good to hit between 5 to 10 million combined. Apple can definitely plan on selling 10s of millions of tablets while the other OEMs will all be fighting over the same small slice of the the slate pie. Apple will continue to be able to leverage huge economies of scale compared to everyone else and continue to produce the highest quality slate for a lower price than everyone else.

Want to bet? Within 2 years Android will be ahead in the tablet market. Within a year Android tablets will be selling faster than the iPad. Android is unstoppable, and its not because of anything other than price. Don't get me wrong, its a better overall OS, but the ability to have tablets selling for under a hundred dollars in developing countries obliterates any chance Apple has at leading the tablet market longterm. They will fall behind in total sales like they have with phones.

Apple will of course be making more money than they know what to do with selling premium products in first world nations, but to act like they will control the tablet market for the foreseeable future is just shortsighted.
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