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How much does it cost?

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I'll be your handy dandy calculator!

iPad 2 Wifi
16g - 545.16 USD
32g - 654.41
64g - 763.66

Ipad 2 3G
16 - 687.18
32 - 796.43
64 - 905.68

These have been your taxed prices.

Remember: X (Item to be purchased) *times* 1.0y(rate of tax) =equals= total cost of individual purchase.


Always do your taxes. Never cheat.
You need 555 dollars ... Plus busfare....

Isn't 555 the ominous number of Jobs? Or is that the extension to bankruptcy?

Well, at least you'll have your iPad 2 and a bus ride.

It's the office code for all Hollywood phone numbers, which obviously means there is a secret conspiracy involving Microsoft, Hollywood, and Apple.

O so the worth is gonna end at 555 am on May 5 2055? Yaya! ipad 55 in-your-palm edition.

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