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Scratched screen...replacement cost?

I hope the guy that is growling about poor customer service is still reading on the forum. I think the positives with Apple run about 99 to 1. What a wonderful way to ensure loyalty to new users of the Ipad2. JMHO

Ever wondered how cheap an iPad might be without that level of customer service? ;)

That level of customer service is exactly why Apple is so successful.

You get what you pay for IMO.

Tbh, it's why I've been infinitely happier with my iPods / iPads than I have with my dell / htc desire.

Particularly wrt the not-selling-screen protectors thing, though, there does seem to be a level of making a statement that isn't, perhaps, the cleverest in the world.
Apple is so successful with their customer service that other major companies are following their example. When money gets tight, a company that has a reputation for quality products and great customer support, is worth its weight in gold.
Apple is so successful with their customer service that other major companies are following their example.

Without meaning to be awkward, are they?

As in, are major / direct attempted-competitors to Apple following a very similar business model; and / or offering the level and depth of support available to Apple customers?

I guess, in particular, I'm thinking of 'competitor' tablets like the Motorola Xoom or HTC's new effort. And / or producers of smartphones / MP3 players. Or, heck, you could throw in laptops to boot.

In the UK, at least, HTC / Motorola (for example) don't have dedicated shops. At least, not in the cities I've recently visited. And not with any prominent presence, a la Apple, nor with the level of huge staffing, and... prominent showcasing and display... that seems to be so integral to Apple's (shopfront) model.

Also, would any of those companies who DO front those products - to draw on the example in this thread - replace a device for having a scratched screen, no questions asked, bish bash bosh it's done?

Mobile phone companies - in the UK - have a reputation for sales-driven marketing, focused on base profit, with - tbh - merciless wideboys in cheap suits (and, perhaps, with extraordinarily broad pink ties) upselling products that consumers probably don't need, whilst refusing any servicing / provision that might subtract from said company's base profit.

I'm not yet sure which outlets'll be headlining e.g. the Xoom, but I'd be very interested in how that level of customer service could be sought / guaranteed by Motorola. Who don't have that shopfront presence / centralised (and identifiable) walk-in service centre, in the same way that Apple do. At least, not in the UK.
mrquod said:
Without meaning to be awkward, are they?

As in, are major / direct attempted-competitors to Apple following a very similar business model; and / or offering the level and depth of support available to Apple customers?

I guess, in particular, I'm thinking of 'competitor' tablets like the Motorola Xoom or HTC's new effort. And / or producers of smartphones / MP3 players. Or, heck, you could throw in laptops to boot.

In the UK, at least, HTC / Motorola (for example) don't have dedicated shops. At least, not in the cities I've recently visited. And not with any prominent presence, a la Apple, nor with the level of huge staffing, and... prominent showcasing and display... that seems to be so integral to Apple's (shopfront) model.

Also, would any of those companies who DO front those products - to draw on the example in this thread - replace a device for having a scratched screen, no questions asked, bish bash bosh it's done?

Mobile phone companies - in the UK - have a reputation for sales-driven marketing, focused on base profit, with - tbh - merciless wideboys in cheap suits (and, perhaps, with extraordinarily broad pink ties) upselling products that consumers probably don't need, whilst refusing any servicing / provision that might subtract from said company's base profit.

I'm not yet sure which outlets'll be headlining e.g. the Xoom, but I'd be very interested in how that level of customer service could be sought / guaranteed by Motorola. Who don't have that shopfront presence / centralised (and identifiable) walk-in service centre, in the same way that Apple do. At least, not in the UK.

You make some very good points, most of which I agree with.

Now I am a great fan of the iPad but not Apple overall (dodging knives now). Personally I find the stores overbearing, you can't browse for more than a minute at a time without a blue jumper attacking you to give you some kind of unwanted demonstration or technobabble. They could do with handing out "just browsing / do not disturb" signs when you walk in. I love browsing in PC world, fewer staff in larger stores, perfect for me.

The aftercare with Apple clearly sounds great from all the different threads I have read in this forum. Thankfully I have never needed it, but it is reassuring to know that it exists.

Love the iPad over any other tablet I have played with (loads), can't stand the mac user experience (aesthetically stunning), sorry but a PC Lover all the way.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
you can't browse for more than a minute at a time without a blue jumper attacking you to give you some kind of unwanted demonstration or technobabble. They could do with handing out "just browsing / do not disturb" signs when you walk in.

But if this wasn't the case folks would be complaining they are being ignored. Admit it.:D

Personally, I LOVE going into my local Apple stores! I don't think they are up in my face too much at all ~

Great customer service, IMO.:)
iPad 2 is cool said:
I love browsing in PC world, fewer staff in larger stores, perfect for me.

But ask them something technical or go in with a problem......the service is laughable!

The Archangel
"But ask them something technical or go in with a problem......the service is laughable!"

Have you ever gone into a Sprint Store for help? Their technical help consists of last week's sale staff telling you to call the hardware people, ie you have a Samsung phone with Sprint--call Samsung; or call Google. And have you ever tried to get a replacement phone from Sprint when the phone is clearly a bad apple??? I went through 5 bad Samsung Intercepts. They would NOT let me change phones. Even if I paid the difference. Is that service? Is that customer service?? I cancelled my contract and they lost 2 customers and NO we did not pay an early termination fee; that is what pre-paid legal is about.

I like Apple and I like my Apple phone, my Ipad2, my Ipod and the help I receive here on this forum as well as at the 1-800-myapple and at the Apple store. JMHO
Now I am a great fan of the iPad but not Apple overall (dodging knives now). Personally I find the stores overbearing, you can't browse for more than a minute at a time without a blue jumper attacking you to give you some kind of unwanted demonstration or technobabble. They could do with handing out "just browsing / do not disturb" signs when you walk in.

tbf, I'd largely agree with this. I'm technically competent, if I want to tinker with something then I'm more than capable of exploring it myself. The staff are friendly, and approachable - and've been fantastic when I've been there with a support need. (Though having said that, on my last visit - with an appointment - I was studiously ignored for 20 minutes whilst surrounded by a sea of blue shirts :D)

I'm definitely of the 'thank you, but I will ask you if I particularly want to strike up a conversation. Their levels of staffing've definitely meant that I've kinda dashed in and straight back out on a number of occasions, rather than staying to browse / tinker a bit more.
Apple don't seem to sell screen protectors (my local Apple store certainly doesn't). That seems to be more some weird kind of propaganda than anything that's based on practicalities.
"Propaganda" is a bit of hyperbole. They intend for their devices to be used without screen protectors and it's their call to offer them or not in their stores. Whether the manufacturer sells a screen protector or not has never stopped me from always using one. If it's a priority for you then you'll find a suitable solution. I always have.

Glass isn't unscratchable and that's a fact. Don't rely on sales staff or info in lieu of your own due diligence. Otherwise you get what you deserve IMO.
"Propaganda" is a bit of hyperbole. They intend for their devices to be used without screen protectors and it's their call to offer them or not in their stores. Whether the manufacturer sells a screen protector or not has never stopped me from always using one. If it's a priority for you then you'll find a suitable solution. I always have.

Glass isn't unscratchable and that's a fact. Don't rely on sales staff or info in lieu of your own due diligence. Otherwise you get what you deserve IMO.

Just to repeat my experience: I was actively talked out of buying a screen protector by the bloke in the Apple shop who sold me the iPad. And was told that unless I was intending to 'treat it roughly,' scratching just wouldn't be an issue.

On that basis, I guess I did get what I deserved, in the form of a brand spanking new replacement iPad ;) And a delivery of screen protectors, obv!

Maybe the sales assistant was on a one-man propaganda mission, but I find it kinda hard to tie the 'we don't sell screen protectors' thing in to any kind of common sense approach. Unless - working with your premiss - the presumption is that Apple products are (equally) designed (or 'intended') to develop scratched screens?
Gabriel1 said:
But ask them something technical or go in with a problem......the service is laughable!

The Archangel

I have iPF for technical questions. I am like a lion, I like my own space to survey the panorama.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Just to repeat my experience: I was actively talked out of buying a screen protector by the bloke in the Apple shop who sold me the iPad. And was told that unless I was intending to 'treat it roughly,' scratching just wouldn't be an issue.

Kinda where I am coming from too ~ I have never had a screen protector and I have not one scratch.:)

Just sayin'.....
SweetPoison said:
Kinda where I am coming from too ~ I have never had a screen protector and I have not one scratch.:)

Just sayin'.....

There are those that have found scratches and those that will... :-)

I am very careful with my "stuff" and was amazed when I found two scratches after only a week on my first iPad. I think what most folks having or "preferring" a screen protector are just sayin' is with one, they can really use/enjoy their pad.
I'm still very careful with our iPads yet now never worry about screens, just one of the kids dropping it on the slate floor...... Eeek. :-)

SweetPoison said:
Kinda where I am coming from too ~ I have never had a screen protector and I have not one scratch.:)

Just sayin'.....

There are those that have found scratches and those that will... :-)

I am very careful with my "stuff" and was amazed when I found two scratches after only a week on my first iPad. I think what most folks having or "preferring" a screen protector are just sayin' is with one, they can really use/enjoy their pad.
I'm still very careful with our iPads yet now never worry about screens, just one of the kids dropping it on the slate floor...... Eeek. :-)


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