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Scratched screen...replacement cost?

could it have been some debris that got caught in between at some point ? ^

I had wondered this. But what, and how?

The smart cover is designed so that it only folds over / down onto the screen (doesn't slide across). The iPad has been kinda like my baby (not meaning to sound too weird about it, but it was bought to make writing my PhD thesis easier / more enjoyable. I'm a final-year PhD student, I - literally - bankrupted myself buying it, I've looked after it with thoroughly OTT care. And've checked the smart screen before folding it over, etc, etc. I've also been extra-careful to always leave the smart cover on, as we've got a cat and I wanted to leave no room for doubt / accidental cat damage.)

The scratch was deep - deep enough to distort / refract the light from the (handful of) pixels beneath it. I also discovered another, parallel scratch a short while later (though that one was only visible on a black screen, viewed from an angle...)

Having said all this... I took it into the Apple store I bought it from today. I wasn't expecting much; but - optimistically - was hoping for a screen replacement. In no time at all, a manager came over, checked their stock, and booked an appointment; and they replaced it with a brand spanking new iPad this afternoon.

The staff were all pretty surprised by the scratch, and curious about it. I kinda wish I had some answers - but, well, no rings on my fingers, nothing whatsoever in the way of a sharp contact (whilst I've been around, and my partner just doesn't use it). All very odd.

OTOH, losing progress on a number of games was a bit of a pain in the fundamentals. OTOH, it's given me a (forced) chance to back up every single document / paper I had on there. Which - as it's been mostly an academic / work device - I really, really needed to do.

And, good grief, what fantastic customer service.
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I don't take chances with screens. For my iPad 2 I got the Moshi iVisor screen protector and I love it. Goes on easy, NO bubbles and I have not noticed any loss of clarity or sensitivity. $30, not bad for piece of mind.
I have somehow managed to put a small scratch on the screen of my iPad 2... I can only really see it on a black screen. I called into the Apple reseller yesterday where I bought it and showed them the scratch.... basically just one of those things.... not covered by warrantee. They told me that they have had a could of customers who have dropped / smashed screens and and all they can do is accept their loss and buy a new one.

I did ask about replacement screens but they said they can't be replaced so it is cheaper to buy a new iPad. I know the iPad 1 screens were replaceable.

I have an Otterbox defender case on the way to me direct from the company with a free screen protector, so once that is on I know there shouldn't be any further scratches. :)
I wonder if that's partly the difference between an apple reseller, and an apple store? I have few doubts that my replaced iPad'll be heading straight to a reseller!

I was quite explicitly talked out of buying a screen protector when I first picked up the iPad, and the Apple store manager effectively confirmed that they don't sell 'em because they don't think they're necessary. I also pointed to the level of protection / safety I was putting around my iPad pretty much all the time. And the condition on the 'servicing' receipt described the condition of the device (screen scratch aside) as 'new.'

Partly, I wonder if those things helped in securing a replacement. But... well... more generally, it seems as if Apple (and apple stores) are offering some pretty outstanding customer service. Which might be based on a pretty borked sales strategy (not selling screen protectors), but still...
Some interesting points there mrquod. I work in Liverpool, UK so I'm a frequent visitor to the Apple Store there and I bought my MacBookPro and iPod nano from there... thing is I desperately wanted an iPad2 on release day. I went past the Liverpool Apple store at 7:45 am and there were already people queuing outside waiting for 5 pm :eek:So what I did was take half a day off work and went across to Chester where I was first in line. Ideally I should have bought from the apple store, but there was no way I could have stood there all day.

They say the first scratch is the hardest.... I was gutted when someone put a scratch in the tailgate of my Jeep Grand Cherokee.... but I have learnt to live with it.:(
I'm based in Cambridge, equally UK ;)

If I were you, I'd try the Liverpool apple store. As a genius bar appointment, or just dropping straight in. It might've come from a reseller, but if it was brand new they might still be willing to replace it. Particularly if, say, your original reseller had told you about the durability of the screen, etc.

My device mightve been identified as one that was bought from the apple store when they scanned it (which they did, after agreeing to exchange it). But prior to that, they didn't know my name, or where exactly I'd bought it. I think it was exchanged under Apple's guarantee, rather than a store-specific one.

I hear what you say about the first scratch being the hardest. I probably wouldve let it lie, if I hadnt originally been talked out of getting a screen protector. Your call, obv, but I'd probably at least look into the possibilities before giving up completely.
arbor53 said:
I took mine back today for screen bleed, new one is on order, I didn't use a screen protector on this one and luckily no scratches but after hearing how easy it is to get a scratch I think I will get one for the new iPad2 when it comes in and put it on as soon as I pull it out the box.

I had the tiniest scratch on my iPad 1 three months into use, oh did it sour my love for it. As soon as the iPad 2 was unboxed it got a screen protector and a rear protector, the love has kept growing ever since.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
arbor53 said:
I took mine back today for screen bleed, new one is on order, I didn't use a screen protector on this one and luckily no scratches but after hearing how easy it is to get a scratch I think I will get one for the new iPad2 when it comes in and put it on as soon as I pull it out the box.

I had the tiniest scratch on my iPad 1 three months into use, oh did it sour my love for it. As soon as the iPad 2 was unboxed it got a screen protector and a rear protector, the love has kept growing ever since.

Cute post. Really cute ~
I'm based in Cambridge, equally UK ;)

If I were you, I'd try the Liverpool apple store. As a genius bar appointment, or just dropping straight in. It might've come from a reseller, but if it was brand new they might still be willing to replace it. Particularly if, say, your original reseller had told you about the durability of the screen, etc.

My device mightve been identified as one that was bought from the apple store when they scanned it (which they did, after agreeing to exchange it). But prior to that, they didn't know my name, or where exactly I'd bought it. I think it was exchanged under Apple's guarantee, rather than a store-specific one.

I hear what you say about the first scratch being the hardest. I probably wouldve let it lie, if I hadnt originally been talked out of getting a screen protector. Your call, obv, but I'd probably at least look into the possibilities before giving up completely.

Thanks, I will call in on the way home tonight and see what they say.

My Otterbox Defender case has just arrived from the USA... could have done with it a week or so earlier me thinks ;)
Ok, I have been to the Genius Bar this evening and explained the situation.....
initially i was told that scratches were considered cosmetic damage and not covered by the warrantee.... I showed them the Otterbox case that arrived today and said how I had been trying to protect my iPad as best as I could......

I think they took pity on me .... they went and discussed the situation amongst themselves......... I left the store.....

With a brand new 64 g 3G iPad2 , RESULT :D:D

Apple are a WONDERFUL company :)
Ok, I have been to the Genius Bar this evening and explained the situation.....
initially i was told that scratches were considered cosmetic damage and not covered by the warrantee.... I showed them the Otterbox case that arrived today and said how I had been trying to protect my iPad as best as I could......

I think they took pity on me .... they went and discussed the situation amongst themselves......... I left the store.....

With a brand new 64 g 3G iPad2 , RESULT :D:D

Apple are a WONDERFUL company :)

I'll consider waiving my agent's fee on this occasion ;)

Fantastic news!

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