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Scratched screen...replacement cost?

Tarkio said:
What do you use to clean your iPad screen?

Currently given the screen protector, just windex/glass cleaner and a cotton towel. The first week I owned my first iPad (naked), I used a Plasma TV spray cleaner and microfiber towel.

Screen protectors are not for everyone but the lack of concern about scratching made our iPad enjoyment/ownership that much better.

I've had 3 (naked) iPads and have never had any scratches. I use a thick microfiber cloth, rub gently, and never use liquids. A good microfiber cleaning cloth will suck up fingerprints with very little pressure.
Tarkio said:
I've had 3 (naked) iPads and have never had any scratches. I use a thick microfiber cloth, rub gently, and never use liquids. A good microfiber cleaning cloth will suck up fingerprints with very little pressure.

True, but my scratches did not come from cleaning. I obviously encountered the perfect dust particle or something and a few swipes of the old index finger later, scratches. These weren't deep, my ex just keyed my car scratches.. Just very fine hair thin scratches - but enough to really irritate me after being told the glass was really resilient etc.
We now have three covered iPads. Any possibility however remote of scratches are no longer a concern. :^)

Tarkio said:
I've had 3 (naked) iPads and have never had any scratches. I use a thick microfiber cloth, rub gently, and never use liquids. A good microfiber cleaning cloth will suck up fingerprints with very little pressure.

True, but my scratches did not come from cleaning. I obviously encountered the perfect dust particle or something and a few swipes of the old index finger later, scratches. These weren't deep, my ex just keyed my car scratches.. Just very fine hair thin scratches - but enough to really irritate me after being told the glass was really resilient etc.
We now have three covered iPads. Any possibility however remote of scratches are no longer a concern. :^)


That is such the opposite of my iPad experience it makes me wonder if there's a variation in the screen coating on different iPads. My iPad gets very aggressive swipping due to the various playable instruments in GarageBand and the screen stays in perfect condition. Maybe you have more dust in Texas? :)
Tarkio said:
Maybe you have more dust in Texas? :)

Most definitely this year,,, was also one of the worst. I clean my pool filters about 4 times a year and the last there times they were full of dirt/mud. Haven't seen it that bad in a while.

I actually thought it could have been my calluses or something imbedded in my calluses. A am a handyman and my hands/fingers etc show it.. Not that I grab my iPad after grinding metal by any means, yet it had me wondering. :-):-)
Saw a couple of you guys inthe UK, mention the policies definitely differed to those across the pond.
What recommendation would you give then? Push it with Apple? Always take out AppleCare?
Go with 3rd parties like this? Couriers a no go? Or just stick away from the dodgy looking local street repairs??

Sorry for overload on questions, just like to hear of experiences
Thanks guys :)
Not to sure if the same, but I've used these iPadPros in the US,
and similar style, and they were fine. See what the quote comes to.
The iPad 2 been discontinued I think now, so its a bit of a trade off.
Really depends what using for or if worth an upgrade
Have your kids buy you a new one...they need to be held accountable...lol

P.S. There are many cases for the iPad 2 out there still...just look at the internet

Sent from my iPad mini using iPF

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