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how much will you pay for the mini iPad?

...since Steve always has been against a 7" iPad...

If you're referring to that "they should come with sandpaper for their fingertips" line, it's worth remembering the context that was said in; a) Jobs was on stage at the original iPad launch in early 2010 showing off the original 9.7" iPad, so he's hardly going to stand there and big-up 7" devices, and b) remember the 7" devices he was talking about from early 2010 i.e. the hastily-pushed-out-in-response-to-the-iPad-rumours no-brand keyboard-less netbooks running Android 1.6 are a far cry from e.g. the Nexus 7.

Also - and I can't overstate this - the only 7" tablet competition is in the US; there's a great piece over at The Next Web about this by Matthew Panzarino here - seriously, anyone who thinks that there's an 'established' 7" tablet field should read this and gain a little global perspective.

HTH Pete
For many with less than 20/20 vision the The smaller iphone screen is hard work, but the bigger ipad screen is often to big and awkward.

With screens available now being so thin, what about a fold out from say a 4" to 8" or 5" to 10".

That would be innovation, the idea has been partly trailed in game boys, so should i apply for a job in place of Mr Job's?
More and more, companies are moving towards the console strategy, sell the device at a loss and make up for it by the sales of content. A PS3 or an XBOX 360 don't make money unless 3-4 games are purchased for each console.
Console hardware is sold at a loss when released, but due to improved manufacturing (cheaper and smaller) over time, they can make money off them later.
I say grow the iPod Touch into a bigger device and charge a little bit more for it. I can see myself paying no more than $300 for a 16GB 7-8 inch device from apple. If they can hit that price I will bite.
What I'm willing to pay is flexible, depending on specs. For an iPad with wifi only or less than 64GB, cost wouldn't matter -- I wouldn't want one.
Should a mini iPad happen, i'd guess it will be priced @ at one scale down, I.E 64 gb gsm will be much the same price as the iPad3 64 gb and so on.
The inside estimates I've seen on parts cost differential is less than $80 per unit. You can expect they not be losing money to try to sell these.
I'm not randomly applying biz strategies to Apple; I'm going by its track record. If it's smart, it will build a good product that differentiates itself, rather than compete on price alone, which is a race to the bottom, which is again not like Apple.

They will not be in a race to the bottom, because they don't need to be. They will price the device at a profit. We can either buy or not. I have one iPad, an Android tab, a Fire, and a Nexus 7 (soon). I don't need another one. So I can be picky on price. But I am getting tired of being limited on space....maybe with this device I can offload some apps to it to free up my device with the Retina display. We shall see.

Oh...I the calculation that people will buy because of the device is not a good one, IMO. While I rent movies from Amazon, I don't watch them on the Fire. I only watch the free videos on that thing. Anything I pay for a watch on a big screen! The same will be for Google. I may buy an Album or two, if they have really good prices. I still prefer to buy the plastic and rips.

The device will be called the iPod Touch Maxi.

AQ_OC said:
The device will be called the iPod Touch Maxi.


Oh no! AQ_OC, I hope not. There is already a too well known product with the first name of Maxi, and if it is for an iPad..........just sayin!!
They will not be in a race to the bottom, because they don't need to be. They will price the device at a profit. We can either buy or not. I have one iPad, an Android tab, a Fire, and a Nexus 7 (soon). I don't need another one. So I can be picky on price. But I am getting tired of being limited on space....maybe with this device I can offload some apps to it to free up my device with the Retina display. We shall see.

Oh...I the calculation that people will buy because of the device is not a good one, IMO. While I rent movies from Amazon, I don't watch them on the Fire. I only watch the free videos on that thing. Anything I pay for a watch on a big screen! The same will be for Google. I may buy an Album or two, if they have really good prices. I still prefer to buy the plastic and rips.

The device will be called the iPod Touch Maxi.

I don't bother calculating why other people would buy, or at what price, because I don't care. Apple, whatever device it's making or not, can look after its own business. My only interest in any new iDevice is in its possible interest to me, lol. And I'll base my purchase (or not) on what Apple offers to tempt me.

I currently have two iPads, a Kindle Fire, a Kindle e-ink reader, a Samsung Galaxy Note 5" phablet, iPhone 4S and iPod touch 4, along with laptops and netbooks. I use them in different ways, and if Apple can offer something nifty and new, I have the money to buy and am flexible on price, depending on how it might serve me. I want to see what any device does before I decide, and it doesn't make sense to me to decide a price before I see the product, because imaginary products aren't getting any of my money, lol.

As for name, I don't care what a device is called, but I hope it will be differentiated enough to make online searches for accessories not a PITA.
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AQ_OC said:
What Apple should do is just introduce a bigger iPod Touch in the fall. Just make that one bigger and they are done.

That's a great idea, actually. As for the mini iPad, nah, I have a minimum screen size that I can tolerate and the current iPad screen size is perfect as is. Just small enough to allow the device to still be portable and easy to carry. Big enough that I can actually see what I'm doing or enjoy a film.

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