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How often should i connect my ipad to computer.


iPF Noob
I think that one time on every 2-3 days is enough. But it always depends on that How Often You Want To Make a Sync. :)

@ Gamma5 - there really is no 'correct' answer to your question about syncing your iPad - just depends on your needs (e.g. transferring images/music/movies/etc.) and the need to 'back up' your iPad, if using a cabled link for that purpose (i.e. vs. iCloud); the latter may be your most important consideration, i.e. if you are making a lot of changes on the iPad (addition or removal of apps, data w/i apps, etc.), then more frequent backups may be desired - SO, really up to you. Dave :)
I only connect mine when I want to sync music, movies or pictures.. I've got just about everything I need on my iPad, so I may go for a month or two without connecting it to my computer.
I have never connected ipad to pc, in year or more. I can sync photos wirelessly, back up stuff to icloud. I guess to transfer some songs I'd need to have it connected but other than that I see no need for connecting to PC
@ Gamma5 - there really is no 'correct' answer to your question about syncing your iPad - just depends on your needs (e.g. transferring images/music/movies/etc.) and the need to 'back up' your iPad, if using a cabled link for that purpose (i.e. vs. iCloud); the latter may be your most important consideration, i.e. if you are making a lot of changes on the iPad (addition or removal of apps, data w/i apps, etc.), then more frequent backups may be desired - SO, really up to you. Dave :)
Yes this is right ans because there is no rule how often connect to computer these depends on needs.

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