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How quickly you decide buying an app?

Another problem with appshopper is sometimes it'll show a price drop and get your hopes up. You click on "buy" only to find it's showing an app from the us app store. :(

Still, it's a great app, and I check it a few times a day. My iPod Touch has 18.5gb of apps thanks to appshopper, and I'v only spent around £10. :D

My iPad 2 doesn't have as many apps, but I'm sure it'll get stuffed to the brim with apps soon enough.
k7lvo said:
I use Appshopper and find it very useful, but its search engine seems to be weak. For example, I can't find the title "Hot Pursuit The Need For Speed" using any critera. Maybe I'm overlooking something?

It doesn't list Need for Speed apps, because those are incorrectly flagged as iPhone apps and your AppShopper is configured to only show iPad, or universal apps.

If you want to see Need for Speed Hot Pursuit in AppShopper, than do the following:
-select the Settings wheel
-tap on Show
-choose 'All Apps'
-go back to settings and click Done

Now the search engine will show those previously missing apps.

Enjoy :D
Thanks! I'd forgotten tha I set it "iPad only." :)
One of the apps i spent money on is angry birds, love the game so no bitterness there. To avoid dissapointment i usually down load the lite which is free version to try is out, and if i like it then i buy the full version. I have plenty of apps purchased and so far no regrets. One app i have is called FREE APPLE APPS DAY (faad) you get free apps every day, just take a look at the various apps on offer and if you like someting down load it for free

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2
I generally follow apps to see if their price goes down. Whether it takes a day or three months... Like Dead Space. I wanted it the day it was released, but $10 was a bit pricey and I wasn't sure if it was going to be good. So I waited, saw the price go down two dollars, but didn't think it was low enough so I waited some more. Then, over the Easter weekend, it went to one dollar. That's when I bought it! So happy! Hehe. And after playing it, I honestly would have paid the full $10.

But there are those apps I just want - like Angry Birds. I bought all the Angry Birds games and didn't care if they would ever go on sale. :D

So it all depends.
Same with me when it comes to angry birds, i just buy it without hesitation, and look foreward to the excellent updates which i get free because i bought it originally :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2
I kept myself busy during the four weeks between ordering and receiving Googling tips and tricks along with various versions of "best apps" and "cool apps" etc. So when it finally came I knew which 75 or so I wanted first and pulled the trigger as fast my finger could tap.

Now when I search for new ones, I look at price and description and read any reviews available then decide pretty much right away. If there are at least three stars and it's free or just a dollar or two I usually just get it. I tend to stay away from those with reviews that are less than three-star or that have the word "crash" in them.:p
Heh. I've learned my lesson and so now I just buy them if I want 'em.

The lesson was from "World of Goo." I waited weeks on it, trying to decide if I wanted to pay the full price. Weeks, I tell you! Then, one night, I give in and pay for it (at the highest price it's ever been ... I think ... $9.99 USD?). The very next morning, the @$&@%$* app dropped to $.99 USD!!!

So, after just a bit of research - about 3 minutes worth - I just buy it. I'm just not lucky with the timing...


[For the same reasons ... I don't play the stock market either :D ]
Mickey330 said:
Heh. I've learned my lesson and so now I just buy them if I want 'em.

The lesson was from "World of Goo." I waited weeks on it, trying to decide if I wanted to pay the full price. Weeks, I tell you! Then, one night, I give in and pay for it (at the highest price it's ever been ... I think ... $9.99 USD?). The very next morning, the @$&@%$* app dropped to $.99 USD!!!

So, after just a bit of research - about 3 minutes worth - I just buy it. I'm just not lucky with the timing...


[For the same reasons ... I don't play the stock market either :D ]


before buying an app, do I always use AppShopper and scroll down to the 'App Activity', as that gives a good overview of whether the app is always at a constant price, or whether the app goes on sale frequently and most importantly on which price level the app currently is. That way you are ensured to get a good deal.

I tend to set my price limit to the middle of lowest and highest price, so if the price is any higher than the average, it just goes onto the Wish List.
How long do you ponder before you actually purchase apps?

Do you just read the description and assume that it will serve your purpose?

Since most paid apps don't have demo version, it is often challenging to decide on buying an app.

I often resisted to buy apps but after searching for few more days, usually manage to discover some free apps which does at least 80% of the paid apps' functionalities!

Of course, there are cases when no free app can do the trick, but I'm asking for a general feedback.

People ponder? Seriously, though, my "wish list" is 5 pages long. :)
Mostly now I have learned my lesson after buying tons that have just sat unused. Free apps-no big deal, but I have several note taking apps that I bought that I am sorry I did especially as I ended up favoring a free one the best! When they are $1-2, it's not the end of the world, but some are more than that, so it can add up. Therefore, I now am much more judicious.
It has varied for me, but I now take my time, read the reviews and also look in the forum and elsewhere on the web for feedback.

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