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How to activate the best secret feature in your iPad


iPF Noob

How to Activate the Best Secret Feature In Your iPad

Your new iPad—and old too, with iOS 4.3—has a new hidden feature that Apple doesn't want you to know about: Extra multi-touch gestures that completely changes the iPad experience—for the best.

New iPad hidden gestures

• Swipe four or five fingers—to the left or to the right—to navigate through open applications.

• Swipe four fingers up to access the running apps tray and playback buttons, including Airplay controls.

• Pinch with all your fingers to go to the home screen from any app, without touching your home button.
For example: With a simple hand swipe, to the left or right, you will be able to navigate through running applications. Once you try it, you won't be able to go back.

Sadly, Apple doesn't want you to use these features yet. They could have included the switch in the general preferences for everyone, but right now this is only available for developers, so they can give feedback.

It will "only" cost you $5
The good news is that you can activate them and it's really easy: It only takes one click. The bad news is that you have to pay an extra $5 for Xcode 4, in the Mac OS X App Store.

Here's how to do it:

Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide
Has anyone tried this. I like it but am timid downloading things. Its not in the app or apple store correct?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh and does this have to be done on a Mac? Sorry for the neophyte question. But I want those gestures 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Want those features too. Have the magic touchpad and really like multiple gestures now that I'm used to it.
Hopefully we should get them with the next iOS upgrade.
Listening to all the pre advertising I got the impression it was part of the upgrade, did I miss something?? We have to pay for it :(
Koree555 said:
Listening to all the pre advertising I got the impression it was part of the upgrade, did I miss something?? We have to pay for it :(

No, the gestures are not officially part of the upgrade. They are only included, so that developers can test them beforehand. Apple does not want consumers to use these features yet, but if you still want to use these, you have to get the developer software.
but do they disappear after upgrading when the new one comes out? Can it be done by those of us that don't have Macs?
So, yep, I did this - and it truly is THE coolest feature available.

So, I upgrade to IOS 4.3, then hit up my friend who has a MAC (I don't). He is also a developer so he enabled it in, say, 3 seconds. He handed it back and I am just BLOWN away at how cool/nice this feature is! If you have the chance do it - no jailbreaking necessary. Also, I am pretty sure when I go to 4.3.1 or whatever it will go away. Anyway, very cool!

Why do this to customers, I mean, add features then lock them out to all but a chosen few. I'd like to try the multiple finger options myself, the thing is it might be unstable and cause problems. If this is the case leave the additional stuff out of an update until it's sorted. Perhaps I'm being naive, as the sexist saying goes, treat them mean keep them keen.

No offence intended to any ladies reading this by the way.
Why do this to customers, I mean, add features then lock them out to all but a chosen few. I'd like to try the multiple finger options myself, the thing is it might be unstable and cause problems. If this is the case leave the additional stuff out of an update until it's sorted. Perhaps I'm being naive, as the sexist saying goes, treat them mean keep them keen.

No offence intended to any ladies reading this by the way.

They are not available because Apple wanted more testing before finalizing them, or maybe even deciding if they are a good idea. They've essentially recruited the developers to help with testing.

I doubt very much if they care that a few other people volunteer as testers, as long as there is enough barrier in the way that they can't be blamed if the feature causes you a problem.

While Gizmodo's reporting of facts is ok, you have to ignore their subtle little twists of the knife. For some reason they have a grudge against Apple, and vice versa.
Why do this to customers, I mean, add features then lock them out to all but a chosen few.
The story is that multitouch gestures conflicts with some popular applications that could not be rewritten in time for the release.

Someone told me that Garage Band is one of those applications.

I have activated gestures and they seem to do just fine.
I would love to give this a whirl, and I have a Mac, but alas the iOS SDK is only for Mac OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard). I am still running Leopard (10.5.x). I find that a little sucky!...

In addition, if you read the comments to the article in the link of the original post, you will find you can also open a free developer account then download the Xcode 3.2.6 + iOS 4.3 SDK disk image (4.3GB) for free, which will allow you to do the same thing (and save that precious $5, if you wish). Again, 3.2.6 + SDK is only for OS X 10.6 and above - damn it!

I need to find a buddy with Snow Leopard installed! (or for Apple to provide a 4.3.1 update that enables multi-tasking gestures for all)... :D
iPadOhana said:
x2 ;-( well said. Makes me wanna get a Mac. Too bad I don't have any extra $$.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh I have the money, but my pc I getting me through, because I use my iPad for everything.

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