iPF Noob
I'm just going to wait until apple update to 4.4. I think it will be included in that. At the minute it's most probably in the testing phase to make sure it's ok for mass release
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:Has anyone using ibackupbot come across the 'to big to digest' & 'error: cant load device info' popups?
Google doesn't seem to know any of these messages, so I am a bit stumped as to how to proceed.
Fabytm said:I don't think we will see iOS4.4.They should already announce iOS 5 in April!
jdp123321 said:Activate multitouch gestures on all iDevices with this tutorial: www(dot)givememind(dot)com/enable-multi-touch-gestures-on-ipad-with-windows/
-You Must Be On 4.3 Or Higher. You can get firmware for all ipods/ipod touch/iphone/ipad at: felixbruns(dot)de/iPod/firmware/
gourangaman said:Think I shall wait and see what iOS 5 has to offer before doing anything like this.
ferr5175 said:When is the OS 5 coming out?
graywolf said:Fall.
graywolf said:Fall.
Autumn to the rest of us.