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How to create forms that can be filled out

Found this forum when I was searching for a solution to this same question today. After purchasing one $9.99 app that will only let me sign forms and downloading another that said you could create custom forms but come to find out the Company had to create it for you. Charge was $1200. per form. To rich for my blood.
Then I found the Readdle PDF Expert app. It does require you to have Acrobat Pro but it works like a charm. I created my first form within an hour and ran a test on it. It worked great and the signature came out very legible. A great buy.
I found this forum for this exact reason... took some info from different posts and did research. An easy fix that worked for me with my existing forms (which were designed to be written on and not filled in electronically but it can do both types) was to use word or excel to make my form (although any program that can save as pdf can be used), save as pdf in dropbox then open on my ipad with adobe reader. Select fill in and then it opens in adobe fill n sign. Works like a charm! Adobe fill n sign creates fill in fields wherever you want so no special fields needed. Just make sure you have created lines where you want it to fill in. it does have a difficult time with placement if there arent any lines to write on. It can fill in, check boxes and circle choices and allows signatures. Best no cost fix ever!
Use adobe to create them, then us goodnotes 4 to open and sign / fill out. It lets you sign with your finger ( or pen, or pencil ). It'l also let you type into fields. I use it for my employees filling out PTO requests, we have an ipad on the wall and they just walk over fill it out. We have forms for various things, but it works for us!

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