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How to create forms that can be filled out

Real Estate Contracts

I may be so last century, but if I want to put a contract on a house and give you $x,000 in earnest money, don't all the parties want a piece of paper in their hands. And I've been through negotiations where there's been multiple revisions to the offer, and back comes the paper to scratch out, initial and date. I'm not sure this is the place you want to go digital.
Noterize might work well for contracts

I just tested Noterize and it will allow you to open a document in either a PDF or powerpoint format and mark up the document with handwritten notes, highlighting, typed notes, and audio notes. The completed document can then be emailed to others. This would allow you to handwrite names and sign documents.

It would not work for my requirement of being able to fill out a pdf type form by clicking on the text boxes and typing in the information.
printable forms

My intent with using printable forms would be to print, email or forward real estate forms that my clients or customers have filled out and signed on the ipad
I may be so last century, but if I want to put a contract on a house and give you $x,000 in earnest money, don't all the parties want a piece of paper in their hands. And I've been through negotiations where there's been multiple revisions to the offer, and back comes the paper to scratch out, initial and date. I'm not sure this is the place you want to go digital.
I don't believe all forms could be workable on the ipad and right now a lot of my clients print out the form on their own printers. Right now, Oklahoma does not allow electronic signatures on contracts so I'm thinking of preparations for when the legislature approves. The bill is currently in the house
I just tested Noterize and it will allow you to open a document in either a PDF or powerpoint format and mark up the document with handwritten notes, highlighting, typed notes, and audio notes. The completed document can then be emailed to others. This would allow you to handwrite names and sign documents.

It would not work for my requirement of being able to fill out a pdf type form by clicking on the text boxes and typing in the information.
That sounds as if it might work. Will check it out. thanks
OmniGraffle for the iPad will do everything you want.
In my case, I did store inspection printouts/PDF's that I wanted filled out and signed in the iPad. But Adobe does not want you typing text or manipulating their PDFs. So I rebuilt my forms in Omnigraffle. It was tedious but everything looks crisp and clean when I export as a PDF. The only problem I ran into was that some of the fancier fonts wouldn't convert.
Thought i would update this page. PDF Expert just came out with a update that lets you edit pdf forms. It works pretty dang good. Id say a half sec lag, but not really noticeable. And considering their the only ones with a app that is fully compatible with pdf forms A++
Fell accross a site called Pollar bear farm thay do an app called ir forms not sure when it is out but looks a very good idea and may do what you need.
Create a custom form on the iPad

The two best apps for creating a form on the iPad is FormEntry and Tap Forms HD. Both work on all iOS devices.
Good luck
Gadget freeway
As a side note, our service department is evaluating the services provided by these folks, Canvas - Mobile Business Apps for Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, to store our fillable service order ticket in the cloud for completion on a smart phone (or I would think the iPad) and then to be e-mailed to the client and our offices. I think the idea is that only the blank form is in the cloud and the data is only distributed to the appropriate parties. I'll keep you posted.
I too in property management. I wish I had my iPad while pushing $2,900 1x1 apartments downtown. The people I delt with were high end clients (to just qualify, client had to bring in roughly $10k a month).

I would have loved to use it to store floor plans, available apartments, upcoming availability. Photos, and qualification calculators.

Now I'm in a different area of propety management so the PDF expert will suit my needs in the field. But still be nice to create or find an app focused to property management.
I want to create a form, preferably with drop down items (like equipment numbers) for my field people to complete on their iPads and email back to the office. I am totally new to this....do I need an App to create the form first? And then what....?
Check out this link to a real estate agent who's been using iPad forms for awhile:

How to Write and Sign PDF Contracts on an iPad

I've been signing legal docs and filling out forms with the TakeNotes app, which I started using when I found the link above via Google.

I'm not in real estate, but I've found TakeNotes really handy for my uses. I have no problem signing legal docs digitally.

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