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How to Delete unwatchable videos

I have a YouTube App. One of the sections is "To Watch Later". Once I have a video in there, I can watch it at my convenience. Sometimes I delete it when I have seen it, sometimes, I leave it to watch over and over.

UNFORTUNATELY, sometimes the video is removed by the Uploader or Administration for one reason or another. ALSO unfortunately, the Tab that allows me to select "Remove from 'Watch Later' " is disabled. How can I remove the unwatchable videos from there, so that more videos can be readily available?
I've never doen this, so all I have is a general sort of suggestion.

If you can't get the app to remove the video, try going to the website and do it there. These lists are kept in your account, and synced. So, once it's removed from the site it should get deleted on the device as well; though you may need to clear the app from RAM manually, or restart the iPad before it takes.
I've never doen this, so all I have is a general sort of suggestion.

If you can't get the app to remove the video, try going to the website and do it there. These lists are kept in your account, and synced. So, once it's removed from the site it should get deleted on the device as well; though you may need to clear the app from RAM manually, or restart the iPad before it takes.

UNBELIEVABLE! Thank you SO much! I got rid of 12 "Deleted Videos!" I had NO idea that the videos saved on my IPad were synched with my account online! Thank you!

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