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How To Get NEW Multitasking Gestures In iOS 4.3 | iPad 1 & 2

Why do you think Apple didn't include gestures in the final release of 4.3?

The consensus seems to be that Apple took 'soundings' from their developers and 'focus groups' and found that the new gestures were too complex for most users to master. You have to remember that this Forum comprises a rather select group of members who are generally more technically-aware than the majority of users. Even here there are often posts from members who have accidentally and unknowingly activated one of the existing multi-touch gestures - like the three-finger 'accessibility' zoom and didn't know (a) that it existed and (b) how to 'get out of it'.

So they took the decision to leave the code embedded in 4.3 but to disable it. As some members have found, it's relatively easy to turn on if you really want it and could easily be enabled by Apple in a future release if the demand warranted it.

The consensus seems to be that Apple took 'soundings' from their developers and 'focus groups' and found that the new gestures were too complex for most users to master. You have to remember that this Forum comprises a rather select group of members who are generally more technically-aware than the majority of users. Even here there are often posts from members who have accidentally and unknowingly activated one of the existing multi-touch gestures - like the three-finger 'accessibility' zoom and didn't know (a) that it existed and (b) how to 'get out of it'.

So they took the decision to leave the code embedded in 4.3 but to disable it. As some members have found, it's relatively easy to turn on if you really want it and could easily be enabled by Apple in a future release if the demand warranted it.


MacBooks have multitouch gestures, I seriously doubt the reason it's not in 4.3 is because developers thought it was complicated for users. There is nothing complex about pinching or swiping with 4 or five fingers.. especially on a device thats built for multitouch gestures. I have not heard this reason you have provided anywhere. I personally believe it's just being saved for 5.0.
Kayno said:
MacBooks have multitouch gestures, I seriously doubt the reason it's not in 4.3 is because developers thought it was complicated for users. There is nothing complex about pinching or swiping with 4 or five fingers.. especially on a device thats built for multitouch gestures. I have not heard this reason you have provided anywhere. I personally believe it's just being saved for 5.0.

There is a major drawback of Apple implementing these multi gestures afterwards and that is that there are already apps, which use more then three fingers.

For example when you use your whole hand to swipe across the screen in Fruit Ninja, how is the OS to know, whether this movement is used to slice many fruits, or if you want to switch to a different app.

It would not seem Apple like to make these gestures available to the public, before this issue has been sorted out.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
There is a major drawback of Apple implementing these multi gestures afterwards and that is that there are already apps, which use more then three fingers.

For example when you use your whole hand to swipe across the screen in Fruit Ninja, how is the OS to know, whether this movement is used to slice many fruits, or if you want to switch to a different app.

It would not seem Apple like to make these gestures available to the public, before this issue has been sorted out.

Good point, I never thought about that, they should at least leave it as an option that can be enabled or disable. I currently have it on and haven't played fruit ninja so I didn't catch that. Thanks.
I think there are a few reasons. One is as Tim said but bear in mind the iPad is reliant on the touch screen as the main input method so if the gestures did prove too complex then you couldn't just roll them out to all users when there is no real alternative.
One of the other main reasons was due to the gestures conflicting with the input requires of third party apps where they may already have multitouch gestures to control their app, hence why it is currently only officially available to developers to work with.
I downloaded and used Xcode 4 to make the change to iOS 4.3 on my iPad. Multitasking gestures work like a charm, but at what price?

USB syncing to my Mac now starts with a dialog "unable to load data class information from Sync Services." Then another dialog that "the backup session failed." Plus, it seems the "Restore from Backup…" option is gone.

How do I get the iPad out of Developer Mode? Do I need to do a Restore to get backups working again? Will the iOS restore in XCode 4 do it without disrupting apps, settings, etc.?
I hope they add many more. One reason I love webOS is the ability to swipe to go back or forward or to close an app. These are needed all the time and as imprecise as I can be with hit the button correctly onscreen in different apps, it'd be nice to have some more universal gestures to rely on. Given the 4GB footprint, I'll probably keep pressing the button until iOS 5.0.
dlfuller said:
USB syncing to my Mac now starts with a dialog "unable to load data class information from Sync Services." Then another dialog that "the backup session failed." Plus, it seems the "Restore from Backup…" option is gone.

that certainly puts me back on my seat thinkin of enabling them. are theše symptoms how usual? i sure dont want any of that "pc-stuff" in my beloved ipad..
In case this might help someone else having the same problem…

My Mac, iTunes, and the iPad were rock solid before the Xcode 4 iPad development mode fiasco. I don't know how or if the Sync Services and backup problems are directly related to the Multitasking gestures modification. But I did so while using the newest OSX, iOS, iTunes, and Xcode 4 versions, and others seems to be having Sync Services problems with something in that combination.

The solution is found in Apple Knowledge Base Article HT1747: How to remove and reinstall the Apple Mobile Device Service on Mac OS X. I followed the steps there and no more Sync Services and iPad backup problems for me.
Go to the top of the thread and use the icopybot. Don't buy the app you need, you can download it from cnet downloads. It is very easy and works like a charm. I did it in less than five mins. It is very cool when it is all said and done.

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