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How to Record Smooth Video

Hello, back to provide an update and seek useful suggestions from the iPad Pro video recording community users.

It's the end of the hockey season and overall I'd say we had a successful run recording, over 50 games between both of our kids. We stuck with the "Video Pause" recording app. It was for the most part reliable but it didn't come without it's faults, (details below). First and foremost, it's an unsupported app. Apparently the developer isn't updating it anymore. I really like it's ease of use and most importantly it's choice of video container and codec it uses to produce the video file, (Mp4) H.264 avc1 codec. The compression compared to the default .MOV file type is excellent. A full hour is typically about 1.9 to 2 GB in size which is about half or slightly less than the default .MOV which would be around 4-6GB in size for that amount of time. The video quality is superb, no issues recording at 1920x1080 30fps, crystal clear. I chose this app mainly because the original app I was using "FilMiC" had far too many options to choose from, all of which I don't and won't ever need. The amount of time it was taking me to understand everything and perfect the video was too time consuming with FilMiC. With Video Pause it's pretty simple, press the record button to start and press the pause button during stoppages and intermissions to pause. At the end of the game press stop and it saves the resulting video file to the default iPad Pro camera roll. When it works it's cake city, (extremely easy).

Now to the issues.
Three times, (once regular season, once during a tournament and once during playoffs) this season when the game ended I pressed pause but forgot to press stop to save the video. When I pressed pause I flipped the safety cover over to close. I then realized I didn't save the video and quickly flipped the safety cover off. Within that amount of time flipping the cover closed and back open, (maybe 10 seconds?) my video was gone. Like I never recorded the entire hours worth of the game. I checked the camera roll and found nothing. I even purchased a computer based app called "Syncios Data Recovery" to search the iPad for the vanished file. No such luck, in one case I did find a partially saved video file for the regular season game and had to use a video repair app to salvage almost 27 mins worth of the game.

2. I sometimes find as I pan the ice from one zone to the other, (either ends of the ice) the focus gets super bright. I have to touch the screen to bring it back to normal brightness. The recording isn't losing focus the video its capturing just goes from normal to super bright and almost unable to view. Without touching the screen it'll often stay that way. Doesn't happen all the time but can be a pain in the neck when it does. I put the iPad on a tripod and use that similar to a conventional camera.

3. Twice this season the camera froze during recording. One time of which resulted in losing the tournament game I mentioned above which was 1 of the three games lost this season. When it froze not only was the recorder functionality completely frozen and dysfunctional, everything else was too. I tried to reboot the iPad and the power button wouldn't even work. Then all by itself about 10 mins later the screen came back and the video I had recorded was gone like I never recorded anything.


So, to summarize, while I am generally pretty happy with the app, it's ease of use and overall functionality. I would much rather pay for a more reliable supported app that is being updated regularly. I'm not looking for a bells and whistles type of recording app. I'd like it to be similar, (if possible) and very generic just like the Video Pause app.

Please offer your opinions or suggestions, any help is greatly appreciated. I'm really getting into this and expect to continue recording our boys games as long as they continue to play. I use two GoPro's as well. I put one behind each goal. After the games are done I upload the full game and then splice out the goals to combine with GoPro footage showing the full ice view and an instant replay from behind the goal when they score. It's really cool!!!

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