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how to transfer images to ipad and how to delete images

twerppoet - I think I understand your caution. If I remove photos from the folders on my pc, then synch my iPad, I'll lose those photos from the iPad as well, correct? I'm not understanding your point however, about "exporting more than a few photos at a time from the iPad." Under what circumstance would I be likely do that, given I still have the photos on my pc, where - it would seem to me - to be easier to export photos. Does the iPad give no warning that the action I'm about to perform on my pc or in synching could/will result in a loss of images? As always - thanks..
You've got the first part right.

As for the exporting, it was just another reason why you don't want to treat the iPad as a backup for your photos. It's too much work to get them back to the computer.

The only time I've heard of anyone trying to get his photos back from the iPad is when his the computer with the photos died. That's why I decided to confuse you some more with a warning. We all know we are supposed to do backups.

Which only means I'll be cursing myself if Murphy strikes, because I still haven't bought that new backup drive that's on my todo list.

The only time the iPad will warn you about removing content is if it is going to remove everything. This happens when you sync with a new iTunes account or a new computer. Best to just say no to this until you've made sure your new account and computer have everything you want to save on them.

When that time comes and if you still don't know how, we'll be here, or maybe somebody else will be here. Could be a while, after all.
You've just given me the incentive to get off my butt and back-up my files to the external hard drive I purchased a month ago. I needed that little push - thanks..
There seems to be two discussions going on here, but I am interested in the process of deleting photos on my ipad only. When my Apple rep. helped me set up my ipad, he imported all my photos, and somehow I got tons of copies as well. I really don't want any of these photos. I have tried to remove them in itunes as well as with the red delete button on the ipad, and neither way works. Any more ideas?
With your iPad connected to the computer, select it in iTunes. Go to the photos tab and uncheck the Sync Photos from box. Then sync your iPad. All photos except those in Saved Photos album should be removed.

To delete the photos in the Saved Photos album on the iPad, open that Album in the Photos app, tap the box with an arrow icon in the right top corner, tap on each photo you want to delete, then use the red delete button. Each selected photo should show a blue checkmark when it's is selected for deletion.

If you want to sync other photos to the iPad, you set them up in folders on your computer. Put them in folders with the same name as the ablums you want them to appear in. Then go to the same place I told you to uncheck the sync box, select Choose folders from the pull down menu at the right of that box, and choose the folders you want.

Unless you have a Mac and use iPhoto or Aperture, then you select that program and choose the albums you've set up in those programs.

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