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How to un-jailbreak iPad 3 from Absinthe 2.0.4

Tiny Umbrella is not necessary for the jail break. However, it's always good to run it - when available - to save your SHSH blobs. As a jailbreaker, it's good to get into the habit of saving your SHSH blobs, "just in case."

Have Jailbroken My IPAD3 and want it to be again in warranty as Apple wants it ..

HI i am usin IPAD3 I jailbroke So Now I am worried whether my warranty gets Void and if i again want my Ipad3 to get in warranty again what should I do ?
Ok, here's a stumper, now that iOS 6 is out and Apple is no longer signing SHSH blobs for anything older than iOS 6, how do I restore to 5.1.1 without jailbreak? I have my 5.1.1 SHSH blob, I have the stock 5.1.1 IPSW from apple, I have tinyumbrella and redsn0w and the latest iTunes but I can't make it happen at all.
Ok, here's a stumper, now that iOS 6 is out and Apple is no longer signing SHSH blobs for anything older than iOS 6, how do I restore to 5.1.1 without jailbreak? I have my 5.1.1 SHSH blob, I have the stock 5.1.1 IPSW from apple, I have tinyumbrella and redsn0w and the latest iTunes but I can't make it happen at all.

A new version of redsn0w is being released to support that, but it is not available yet. As soon as it is we will post details and a tutorial.

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