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How to upgrade a jailbroken ipad


iPF Novice
Hello again everybody, i have just recently jailbroken my ipad with redsn0w, my ipad right now is jailbroken and is thetred and its version is 4.3.4. I read the guide to upgrade a jailbroken device in this forum but as i'm not english i didn't understand a lot of things, plus that guide if i understand correctly was about snowbreez but i used redsn0w so i didn't know if i could apply the same process. Another weird thing that i could never understand is that in that guide is written that i need to sync my ipad, i actually syncronyzed it just once at the beginning and i noticed that it deleted all wjat i had in my ipad and out all i had in the computer in the ipad and i was wondering if there was a way clicking on the sync button to copy not transfer all apps, music, movies etc. On the computer without deleting anything. Another thing is that in the guide there was the method with a paid app from cydia and then there was written that it could be done even with free apps but i didn't understand which app. Could anyone be so kind to explain how do i upgrade my ipad(jailbroken with redsn0w, 4.3.4 thethred, 64gb no3g) in easy steps? Thanks everyone.

P.S. I may have alredy written this but i cannot find it anywhere, maybe something went wrong when i tried to submit, if it's somewhere then i'm sorry for posting this again.
Hello again everybody, i have just recently jailbroken my ipad with redsn0w, my ipad right now is jailbroken and is thetred and its version is 4.3.4. I read the guide to upgrade a jailbroken device in this forum but as i'm not english i didn't understand a lot of things, plus that guide if i understand correctly was about snowbreez but i used redsn0w so i didn't know if i could apply the same process.

The very first thing you need to know is: Relax and don't do anything! You do not want to do any upgrading at this time. Your iPad is fine where it is.

Another weird thing that i could never understand is that in that guide is written that i need to sync my ipad, i actually syncronyzed it just once at the beginning and i noticed that it deleted all wjat i had in my ipad and out all i had in the computer in the ipad and i was wondering if there was a way clicking on the sync button to copy not transfer all apps, music, movies etc. On the computer without deleting anything.

When you hook your iPad up to your computer, don't do a sync (in fact, remove the option to automatically sync the iPad). When the iPad is connected, right click on it (in the left column of iTunes) and select "transfer purchases." This'll make iTunes match with your iPad, and it won't move things over to the iPad.

Another thing is that in the guide there was the method with a paid app from cydia and then there was written that it could be done even with free apps but i didn't understand which app. Could anyone be so kind to explain how do i upgrade my ipad(jailbroken with redsn0w, 4.3.4 thethred, 64gb no3g) in easy steps? Thanks everyone.

Sorry, but could you be more specific? Copy the paragraph you are talking about, then we can see what you are asking about. Again, you are already jailbroken. Granted, it's with a tethered jailbreak, but it's the best you can have right now. Just keep up the hope that "they" will be able to [quickly] jailbreak the upcoming iOS5.

P.S. I may have alredy written this but i cannot find it anywhere, maybe something went wrong when i tried to submit, if it's somewhere then i'm sorry for posting this again.

You did, but no worries - I've deleted that.

Hope this helps.

The paragraph i didn't quite understand is this "Personally I use PkgBackup (a paid app in Cydia) to ensure I can backup and restore my JB configuration when doing minor OS upgrades. There are other free solutions which may work for you. I also use DropBox for backup storage as it is free and convenient."
The guide is made by f4780y i didn't really understand almost any step of that guide, for me the most confusing part was about pkbbackup and dropbox, could you explain me in simple steps how to upgrade it? I understand that right now it's not possibile but if i'm not wrong in order to upgrade my ipad to IOS 5 i must first do the upgrade to IOS 4.3.5 so i was wondering how could i do that so that when the jailbrake for that will come out. Thanks a lot for explaining me the sync question and thanks a lot for your help.
I understand that right now it's not possibile but if i'm not wrong in order to upgrade my ipad to IOS 5 i must first do the upgrade to IOS 4.3.5 so i was wondering how could i do that so that when the jailbrake for that will come out. Thanks a lot for explaining me the sync question and thanks a lot for your help.

I switched these paragraphs around to bring the important one first so I could clarify something. We jailbreakers do not upgrade on the same schedule as Apple. When they release a new update (such as iOS 4.3.5) or a new iOS entirely (such as iOS 5), we wait and do not upgrade. This is because the new firmware has not been jailbroken by the experts and if we upgrade - we lose our jailbreaks. So, when Apple releases a new update: Sit tight if you wish to preserve your jailbreak!

When the new firmware has been "hacked" to allow jailbreaking, we all will find out (probably through this forum … although I am sure there will be thousands of web sites that will talk about it). With that notice, there will be steps and instructions on what to do to update your device and then re-jailbreak it. When we get that notice and those instructions - then is the time to ask how to do the process (if it's not clear), not before.

Bottom line: As jailbreakers, we are always behind the upgrade cycle. This is our choice - to preserve our iPad's tweaks. We always wait for instructions to be released before upgrading…

So, stay on your current jailbreak version and wait for those updates and instructions. You do not want to upgrade to iOS 4.3.5. And iOS 5 in in beta, so you definitely do not want to upgrade to that version!

The paragraph i didn't quite understand is this "Personally I use PkgBackup (a paid app in Cydia) to ensure I can backup and restore my JB configuration when doing minor OS upgrades. There are other free solutions which may work for you. I also use DropBox for backup storage as it is free and convenient."
The guide is made by f4780y i didn't really understand almost any step of that guide, for me the most confusing part was about pkbbackup and dropbox, could you explain me in simple steps how to upgrade it?

PKGBackup is an app you can purchase ($7.99, USD) that will allow you to create a backup of your Cydia apps and settings. This was created because iTunes will not save any jail break data. If you purchase it, you can set it up to create backups to store in either your Contacts on the iPad or in Dropbox.

Dropbox is a cloud service. You can get a free app from the App Store for this. Dropbox provides online storage and you get 2GB of storage free. Take a look at this link (Dropbox's web site) for more details: Dropbox - Simplify your life.

Once you have a Dropbox account created, you can "point" PKGBackup to your account and it will save to your account. It's much easier, IMHO, than trying to keep track of the backup stored on your PC.

Hope all this helped clarify things.

Thank you very very mich for help, i guess i'll wait for IOS 4.3.5 jailbresk to come out, i thought that the proccess o upgrade was the same and that i could follow the one on the guide. I'll ask when the upgrade comes out if something won't be clear. I'd just have one last question, dropbox and pkgbackup have the same function of copying what i have on my ipad right? So basically i should be able to do it even with openshsh right? Thanks a lot for help.

P.S. I was just reading some f4780y's guides and it appears to me that the jailbreak for 4.3.5 can alredy be done, this is what is wrote on the guide "4.3.5 jailbreakers note: If you are on iPad1 and performing a tethered jailbreak for 4.3.5, you will need to point redsn0w at the 4.3.4 firmware, so make sure you download that! redsn0w will not recognise the 4.3.5 firmware if you try and use that. Don't worry. You will still be jailbroken on 4.3.5." and then this "redsn0w 0.9.x - Windows and OSX - Firmware 4.3.5, 4.3.4, 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.1" i don't know if this can be done only if you jailbreak the ipad for the first time but if it can also be used to upgrade and if it can could you tell me how in easy steps?
These are the links for the guides: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...tutorial-jailbreak-ipad1-redsn0w-windows.html and http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24377-jailbreaking-methods-ipad.html.
Thank you for your special kindness and sorry for so many questions, i'm no expert about iPads^^
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Timey said:
P.S. I was just reading some f4780y's guides and it appears to me that the jailbreak for 4.3.5 can alredy be done, this is what is wrote on the guide "4.3.5 jailbreakers note: If you are on iPad1 and performing a tethered jailbreak for 4.3.5, ...


Thank you for your special kindness and sorry for so many questions, i'm no expert about iPads^^

Yes, 4.3.5 on iPad1 can be jailbroken, but it is TETHERED. Did you read the article above and understand what this means? You cannot reboot your iPad without Connecting to you PC and running redsn0w EVERY time it restarts. So if you turn off your iPad whilst away from your PC you won't be able to turn it on again till you get home. You would not normally sacrifice an untethered jailbreak for a tethered one...
Yes, i alredy have a tethred ipad and if i gotta say i think it's better than unthetred for me, for example when i was installing a cydia app a few days ago that required that i rebooted the ipad kt wouldn't turn completly off so i just rebooted again as i normally do with redsn0w but if it would have been untethred i couldn't have done that(maybe it would have shut off it self after a while^^) but so far for me tethred is fine... Won't i be able if i encounter some problem with tethred to make it untethred if it'll come out for 4.3.4/4.3.5? Thanks everyone for help i really appreciate and sorry if i don't understand things very fast.
I am sorry to be so dense, Timey, but why do you want to change from your tethered jailbreak on iOS 4.3.4 to a tethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.5?

There is a minor security fix for iOS 4.3.5, which is why Apple released it - but that is the only difference in the two firmwares. Most people - who are jailbroken on lower versions - are discounting that upgrade. IOW, we are ignoring it because it really doesn't do enough to make up for the hassle of changing to it.

All that to say, if you wish to upgrade to iOS 4.3.5, there is no reason you can't. Just run the same jail break as you did to jail break 4.3.4 - you'll have to restore to 4.3.5 stock, then do the upgrade...

One final caution - then I'm done. It is the general consensus of the jail break community that iOS 4.3.5 is not something to bother with - if you already have a working jail break on another firmware. It usually is a good idea to leave well enough alone. IOW - if it's working, don't "fix" it. Just join the rest of us in waiting for the "real" upgrade (and hopeful jailbreak) - iOS 5 (coming this fall).

Good luck.

I agree if it ain't broke don't fix it. I have never heard anyone prefer a tethered to un tethered, first time for everything I guess.
Well, if i'm not wrong in order to upgrade to IOS 5 when it'll come out i must have IOS 4.3.5 right? If this is not the case then like you suggested i won't bother upgrading to 4.3.5. So basically iorder to upgrade i gotta do a restore of myipad which will eliminate the jailbak but just after i do a full backup right? Then i follow the same procedure that i did for 4.3.4 right? So if i don't need IOS 4.3.5 to upgrade to IOS 5 i'll just do this if the procedure is the same when it'll come out^^ just one last question (hopefully^^) i can do the backup of the whole ipad so whatever it has (also savedgame data??) with ioenssh right? I just copy the whole folder and i should have a backup of the ipad(guess it'll take quite a while ^^) thanks everyone for help, i really really appreciate all the help, i only wish these things were easier to understand for me (i understand well english for my age it's just when it's technical then i don't udnerstand anything, sorry:( ) and i also wish i hadn't to be super sure of everything before i do something^^ thanks again everyone for your special kindness.

While we don't know all the details about what will be possible right now with an upgrade to iOS 5 (heck, we don't even know if it'll BE jail breakable!), you should not have to upgrade to iOS 4.3.5 in order to upgrade to iOS 5, when that time comes. So, relax ... you are fine where you are.

Now, I'm not sure making a copy of your iPad will serve as a backup. It doesn't work like that, AFAIK.

The best way to make a backup of your Apple-specific iPad stuff (e.g. apps, and any game info) is to do a regular backup in iTunes.

For Cydia tweaks, we recommend PKGBackup, mainly because it has worked well for those of us who've tried it. It just makes life simpler in that it backs up your settings and tweaks and a list of your current tweaks, so that, when needed, it can put your iPad back the way it was. This is versus you having to reload all your Cydia stuff manually - and then putting your iPad back the way it was. It's a time saver.

All that to say that it is not necessary to buy PKGBackup. You can just keep a separate list of the Cydia tweaks you've installed and of your various settings. Then, you can just refer to that list to manually put your iPad back to the way you had it. PKGBackup just saves so much time...

Again, I'd have to bow to other experts who may tell you differently - but I don't think copying the contents of your iPad will work as a backup. I don't know for sure, but I do know that I would not rely on that as a backup. It's an intriguing idea, but I am pretty sure it's not that easy (cause the firmware would have to know where to go to find the stuff you reloaded on the iPad after a restore ... and I don't think it can).

The bottom line is - you're fine on 4.3.4 as far as being able to upgrade to iOS 5 when (and IF) iOS 5 is released and jailbroken. So, enjoy it! :D


P.S. Hey, that's not fair! I right a long note to say exactly the same thing that f4780y wrote! Is it my fault that I type more? And he hits the submit button faster? :)
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