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How to view messages in spam and trash folders

P.S. I had to take these pictures with my phone because, interestingly enough, a screenshot on the iPad resulted in a normal-looking picture (IOW - it didn't show it zoomed in). Weird ... and something I didn't know. :)

Now that was unexpected, and interesting.

@PamBee, In case you forget Marilyn's instruction for the Zoom gestures, they are listed just below the ON/OF switch for the feature.
Wow! Thanks everyone - What a difference the larger font makes! (Can now Discard my magnifying glass and jewellers loupe!)
Have set font on largest, but I note what I'm typing is smaller font? OK. Have just realised by double tapping everything jumps to very large-great! Also notice that the icons on this page bottom Re larger and bow readable.
Continuing grateful thanks, Pam
This photo is of a Pacific Black Duck - Daphne - she is sitting on 9 eggs in my front garden just under my bedroom window. I live in a wonderful retirement village (although not retired, I am am Advanced Bowen Therapist) mine is the busiest street in the village. At 3"45 am yesterday, a fox was trying to get to the nest, but Daphne fought it off with much flapping of wings!
That's great to hear that you can now read easily without those aids Pam.

And how cute is Daphne and I'm imagining just how wonderful it will be when her eggs hatch and you have 9 tiny ducklings waddling around. We would love to see some photos of them.

Just hope that fox doesn't bother her again though!
Hi Leelai, Actually Daphne is using almost the same spot for her nest as she did last year. I was thrilled when she retuned. Last year she hatched 10 little ducklings, of which I have a photo of. Last year I found the nest with all 10 eggs, so did not know when they'd hatch (it was 2 weeks later) this year she had only laid 2 eggs when I found it - she laid daily until the 9th, then started sitting. Sorry, I know this nothing to do with iPad, (except I use it to take her photos:)
Hi Leelai, Actually Daphne is using almost the same spot for her nest as she did last year. I was thrilled when she retuned. Last year she hatched 10 little ducklings, of which I have a photo of. Last year I found the nest with all 10 eggs, so did not know when they'd hatch (it was 2 weeks later) this year she had only laid 2 eggs when I found it - she laid daily until the 9th, then started sitting. Sorry, I know this nothing to do with iPad, (except I use it to take her photos:)

Well Daphne must feel safe in your garden if she's come back again. It must be lovely having her.

We have many threads where we just chat about a lot of things that have nothing to do with the iPad. So have a look....you'll find just the right place to post some photos of those ducklings too. It's our Off Topic Forum.
Hi Leelai, Actually Daphne is using almost the same spot for her nest as she did last year. I was thrilled when she retuned. Last year she hatched 10 little ducklings, of which I have a photo of. Last year I found the nest with all 10 eggs, so did not know when they'd hatch (it was 2 weeks later) this year she had only laid 2 eggs when I found it - she laid daily until the 9th, then started sitting. Sorry, I know this nothing to do with iPad, (except I use it to take her photos:)

That's great that you are finding the iPad easier now Pam. Enjoyed your story about Daphne:) And I wouldn't worry about it being irrelevant re the iPad. iPads get warm right? So after you take a few photos, slip it under the nest; I reckon a great hatching aid!!;)

Credit: fynnyjunksite.com
Hi, I suddenly have no sound? Have checked and it is not set on Mute. Checked in settings - have double tapped the Home button, swiped from left to tight - also switched off then on, but still no sound. Help, please?
Hi, I suddenly have no sound? Have checked and it is not set on Mute. Checked in settings - have double tapped the Home button, swiped from left to tight - also switched off then on, but still no sound. Help, please?

Hi Pam........I see you did do the update to OS7.

Try a reset of your iPad and see if this fixes your issue. Don't worry, it doesn't change anything on your iPad and is a good step to do when the iPad is updated, it just helps everything settle in nicely.

Hold the power off button and the home button simultaneously, keep holding them in and you may see the power off slide appear and disappear, wait until you see the Apple logo appear before releasing the buttons. It will take a little longer for your iPad to start.

Let us know how you go.
Yes, thank you all so much for your help. The problems were resolved! Grateful thanks.


Hi Leilani,

Sorry to trouble you here, but I can't find my post of earlier today re my gmail problem. Skimonkey replied saying to delete my gmail.com and re- install it. But a message comes up say if I delete gmail all my contacts will be lost? Is there another way, please?

Also when I click on the I
Pad forums icon, a lot of music apps etc comes up, so I can't get in to the forums without going through Safari on the web. I am not good at navigating around the site. When I post (ask a question) what should I click on?

Thanks once again,

Hi Leilani,

Sorry to trouble you here, but I can't find my post of earlier today re my gmail problem. Skimonkey replied saying to delete my gmail.com and re- install it. But a message comes up say if I delete gmail all my contacts will be lost? Is there another way, please?

Also when I click on the I
Pad forums icon, a lot of music apps etc comes up, so I can't get in to the forums without going through Safari on the web. I am not good at navigating around the site. When I post (ask a question) what should I click on?

Thanks once again,


Hi Pam,

Here is that thread on your gmail issue and yes Skimonkey has answered you.

You may have tapped on the iTunes app instead of our app, it's a very easy mistake to make as both the apps are the same colour purple, I've even done it myself ;)

We do have a tutorial for our app which should help you, so have a look here and all will be explained.

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