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I am new here


iPF Noob
Hi everyone:)

I am Amber and I am a new owner of the iPad which is what has led me to this site. I am however an Apple addict! My first Apple purchase was an iMac 24 inch computer, now I mainly work on my MacBookPro. My kids have different kinds of ipods but they of course LOVE their iPod touches they got last Christmas the best. My iPod touch died 2 weeks ago which led me to my wonderful purchase of the iPad! YEAH!!!!

My first love is photography. The pictures I take usually end up in a scrapbook of some sort which I love to do when I get the time. I love to play around with my photos in photoshop elements tweaking and messing with them to get them just Perfect...

So, my friends think I am kind of a computer geek... ha ha

Anyway, I hope I can learn some stuff about the ipad cause I really don't know much about it except that I can play Farmville on it which completely and totally puts my husband over the edge. He HATES it!!! LOL LOL So, I gotta find some other cool games!!! ha ha ha
Nice to meet ya'll!
IvanMarkchang: I will check the game out... thanks!

brhon: I am amazed at the shear about of tips that are on here. It is amazing!!

Kevikedottcom: welcome :-)

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