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I am not convinced of 10 hour battery life

Just a note about threads like this. It's almost impossible to get useful information from others simply by asking "how long the battery lasts." As the thread, itself, suggests there are simply too many variables involved. The OP didn't mention watching videos, probably the most significant battery draining activity possible on the iPad.

If you're truly concerned about your battery use, you have some work ahead of you. You'll need to keep track of the effect of screen brightness, notifications, use of 3G or wifi, apps used, video and audio use, etc. And do it repeatedly over a period of a few days for each and every variable. That is virtually the only way to determine whether you're using an abnormal amount of battery charge and to what it can be attributed. Of course, no one wants to go through this sort of testing regimen. But short of it, there is almost no way to get a good answer to battery use issues.
I would be hard pressed to state how many hours I get per charge. I have an Ipad 1/64 GB wifi only from May 2010 and its used a LOT every day. I would have to keep up with hours and I never have but I get many hours from it (I would thnk 10 hours mostly), using it some for working on photos in various apps like Snapseed, Filterstorm and Photoforge, watching Vimeo, Youtube some, Netflix when I ride my recumbant bike, read a LOT, read forums, work on PDFs and docs, so my use is very mixed---and I carry it always. I've been very very happy with battery life. I keep my backlight at about 50% or so except at night reading in bed where I switch to night mode and lower the backlight even more. I do bring it up high for reading at the pool since I live in North Carolina but I haven't seen any big hit from that. I do charge every day, occasionally run it completely down and recharge as directed.
When at home, I generally get pretty darn close to 10 hours, sometimes more. Brightness is turned all the way down usually when inside, wifi is always on and data/3G is always off at home, as well as location services always off until needed. I've had my iPad since about August of 2010 and have not had any degradation of battery life at all.

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