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I can see my iPad addiction getting expensive!

my crediit card bill for the month of april was just over $.2100.oo dolllars all of the bill was ipad accessories and applications and music

a lot of the applications i bought where games like chess and checker and board games and poker games and slots and blackjack card game and few other card games and i downloaded a lot of music i like... for i found in itunes a lot of music i had been looking for single songs and i went a little nuts in the fact that i was had spent over $.500.oo dollars on songs alone plus a few application like dvd library and book library and pantry library ..along with a lot of travel applications for my phone since it became a phone again basically for working back east in the bigger citys like new york or boston or dc area i got the town travel guides for the places .

for i only use one padded sleeve for travel in the bag and a hard rubber rear cover by cimo and a sling bag by kensington as my travel bags along with new earphones and screen cleaning cloth and a combo dual power charger unit that can charge from a 12.volt plug in lighter or a 110.volt plug in with a folding prongs set up unit ..
Bremen;31987..quote said:
:eek: !!! but, hey.... there are worse addictions :D

my other hobbys is mini palma 200 meter outdoor rifle shooting and 10 meter indoor air rifle brenchrest both are my worst hobbys for me :D because i love the change of the sport ..one for summer time and one for winter time..plus i shoot IPDA with my pistol for my personal protection skills set to keep them sharp as it need ....

the mini palma rifle shooting is done with a Walther KK300 rifle and the target starts at 100 yards then moves out to 150 yards and the final prostion is done at 200 yards ..it all done with a match 22.lr rimfire rifle

when it comes to the sport it little like race cars everyone has there own ideas to comes to winning ..
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I like this iPad addiction better than anything else.

I must have spent over a thousand dollars already with apps and accessories.
I also no what you mean. I brought a £15 itunes voucher and it went in the same day. It was the first time ive ever brought one though :P.

What you should be able to do is whenver its voucher or credit card is to put a limit on a day or week or month. Also if you buy say a £15 itunes voucher you should be able to put in how mych that day or month you want to use on the voucher.

Also as Bremen says at least you got something to show for what you have spent.
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