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Samantha Fox has NOTHING on the iPad.

Damn read "SamFox" and " nothing on" .....
must brush up on my reading skills.

Spot on though. It's the experience that matters not the specs.
This is a great review. Made me feel even better about being a 32 GB wiFi ipad owner. ;-). This ipad has really blown me away. I will admit i was an Apple hater to the core b4 i got my ipad. My friend has iphone n i have htc win mo phone modified so we were always comparing whos is better. Once i told him i got the ipad he got really mad..lmao. He was like how am i gonna talk all that trash about apple then go get an ipad. I underestimated the ease of use and simplicity of it. I was suCked into that no flash category. I wanted flash enabled device. After doing tons of research and comparing, i finally went with ipad. I had bought an Archos5it with Android but the wifi couldnt pick up my tether signal. Took it back and got my money. It cant do me anygood if im. It able to connect. It doesnt have all the wifi protocols so only picked up certain type of signals.
Once again i will say, the Ipad by far, has been the best tech device purchase ive made. I never use the desktop anymore. The speeds at which i surf the web or boot up on ipad is unbelievable. Saves alot of time n they say time is money. ;-).
Dont feed into the hype or negatives on new products. Definitely do the research and check out for yourself. I would have never got this ipad if i went on the negatives alone. The benefits outweigh the loss.
I walked right into apple store, checked a display model ipad to make sure it could tether to my phone. It wrked instantly. BAM i was sold..lol. The only thing i dont like is the pricing of alot of accessories. Too high for basically pieces of plastic. I am loving this Apple ipad case though. Keeps ipad hidden and professional looking.
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Excellent review. Having been a PC user for years I was converted this year to MAC's. My son wanted to by me an iPad as a present and initially I scorned it as I could not see how I would make use of it.
Now it has taken me over. I absolutely adore it. I am amazed at all the things it can do with the various apps and I would not be without it. I do however get carried away with buying apps. It would be good if there was a 'free' version of all the apps to try out but then you would not get sales from people like me. Reading reviews if they are available does help in making a decision. I am sure I have many apps that I now will never use.
Occasionally my husband might ask to use my iPad and I feel then as if my right arm has been cut off as I am so attached to it.
So many people scorned the iPad to me until I showed them what it could do.

Awesome review.. love your writing style! " I don't spend hours upon hours on Mountain Dew-fueled WoW binges." LOL

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