I don't use screen protectors as a rule but I will be getting one for my iPad. Not to protect the screen against scratches but to minimize the glare. Apple is in love with reflective screens but the glare is driving me nuts.
There are people that swear by them - and that market exists. I'm not trying to pee on that market - only open a discussion.
Stop being personal folks!!!
I got an invisi shield on my Ipad. No bubbles, and no more scratches.
Good lord - I so hate screen protectors. Several years ago I swore them off forever. So I got my 3G iPad and bought the Square Trade warranty with the screen replacement policy.
Today I received my MareWare Eco-Vue case. Really nice - I'm a little concerned about the tab that holds the unit in - but it appears to be a solid good looking unit. I am also surprised a bit in that I was concerned the bulkiness would turn me off - and I actually prefer the feel more than the Apple case - it feels more stable / secure.
I digress - the unit also came with a screen protector. So - I just spent 10 minutes trying to get this thing on. Cleaned the screen dusted with a microfiber - got my credit cards, etc.
My mistake - I forgot I needed to install the protector in a clean room used for assembling nuclear triggers. I ended up with about a dozen small bubbles spread out all over the damned thing - which I probably could have worked most out - but alas - a piece of dust the size of a micron (probably moon dust) remains - looking like I need to call the windshield chip-fill people to fix my damaged screen protector.
Enough of this crap - goodbye screen protector - hello screen!