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i have a problem with people who tell you that the ipad is not a computer

The rudeness of people is amazing to me. Why someone would feel it is their business what you check your email on is a mystery to me. It's like here when someone who does not even own an iPad has this compulsion to jump in and start bashing our device of choice.

The more I interact with such people, the more they all seem to have controlling little minds. They are often ignorant, just spouting what they heard somewhere. No real knowledge of the subject at hand, just ignorance, with an inflated ego....

I like small cars. I own a Toyota Yaris (Vitz in Europe). I have people come up to me in parking lots and basically attack me with "why would you want to drive something like that?". Or "you couldn't catch me dead in a car like that"...... I used to try to be nice, but now I just get rude right back....
My thoughts exactly. Except that I remain cool in any discussion.
This kind of person becomes rude when insecurity and jealousy threaten to take control of them. If they haven't already...

I like Habry's first response and I'll keep it near me:

"Oh! And what is a real computer? What does it do?"
I got the same reaction from my family. Yeah my family! At first my husband was trying to put me off from buying it. Some were saying why i have to buy one when i have a deskstop and a laptop.Then when my brother heard I bought one he told me I was wasting my money . And my answer to them was simple. " I like it! " it's my money I spent anyway.
Yeah people are fools I get this toys a lot before Ipad came out i was prob one of them and then that faithful day of launch day... Love at first sight/site! I have had a couple come up to me. They expect someone that knows nothing about "computers" to own one. I've ripped a couple if them a new one. The come with the same b.s. Big iPod touch, o yeah well this app don't work on the iPhone, it docent have flash, whip out my nexus one, "that's what's this for" I throw them a few question half of them don't know what ram is. I ask them whats the specs in there computer at home. Most of them have know idea. And I tell them why did you buy that computer then cause it said Dell on it?

Most of them just want to justify there reasoning for their thinking of it bring useless.

At the end I tell them and everyone I talk to about it. The best part is it convenience, 20 seconds to boot, no hot lap, and then you find an app you
love. After you found your killer app it's game over you have found love!
I think all I could have said to the guy would be "so?". Really, what does any of that matter? You can answer back about why you think th iPad is better than X or Y, but that doesn't really matter either. As long as you have something that fits your budget and your lifestyle and you are happy with it, that's all that matters.

To be fair to the PC people, I have had many similar run-ins with mac users who try to evangelize for macs, telling me how I'm going to get spyware and how unstable and non-user-friendly my horrible PC is.
I would leave him with the same discomfort he gave you ... by simply lifting my arm and speaking directly into my wrist-watch ... "We have a Code Three Non-Believer at the Starbucks on 5th and Main. Initiate a technology alert. Track and report."

The world gets out of the way of crazy people.
I took it to work today for the first time. My mate asked to see it (I havent stopped talking about it since I ordered it), and although at first he couldnt see the point, he is a huge movie fan and he loves it now just for the movie side of things.

My other colleagues didnt seem to get it though - I must point out that most of them are women in their 40s and 50s, and generally see PCs as just another home appliance - if they have one at all. One of them asked what it was for and I told her I use it for email, the internet, books and movies etc - she replied "so its like a computer then?".

In the end I used it for taking minutes in our meeting - something I had not even thought of doing. I never intended to use it for work purposes at all, but the notes app was quite handy really :P
I would leave him with the same discomfort he gave you ... by simply lifting my arm and speaking directly into my wrist-watch ... "We have a Code Three Non-Believer at the Starbucks on 5th and Main. Initiate a technology alert. Track and report."

The world gets out of the way of crazy people.

This one I Just love LOL
He probably didn't like the fact you had one and he didn't. It's jealousy half the time.

I think the guy was totally jealous and trying to get psychic revenue out of making you feel inadequate. It's a form of schadenfreude. The guy was a jerk.
I took it to work today for the first time. :P

The couple of times I've taken mine to work, the response has been almost universally positive. "Oh cool!" "Oh my God, you've got one of those? Can I see it?" etc. Where I work is predominantly men between 45-65 and a few women between 35-55. Small % of folks in my age group (35-45).
I wouldnt call his response jealousy. Its disgust at people who have to go out and buy the latest trendy gadget not knowing what it is or what it can do or what the competition offers, frustration at how Apple has become so rich from over-hyped products and irritation by the macevangelists that are constantly going around telling everyone how macs and apple products "just work" and are superior to everything else because they come from the almighty hand of Steve Jobs.

I understand some of those frustrations, but doing what he did was far more obnoxious than all those things he hates.
I wouldnt call his response jealousy. Its disgust at people who have to go out and buy the latest trendy gadget not knowing what it is or what it can do or what the competition offers, frustration at how Apple has become so rich from over-hyped products and irritation by the macevangelists that are constantly going around telling everyone how macs and apple products "just work" and are superior to everything else because they come from the almighty hand of Steve Jobs.

I understand some of those frustrations, but doing what he did was far more obnoxious than all those things he hates.

Are you bill gates??
Here you go henry2, I just made a video for you.

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"Its disgust at people who have to go out and buy the latest trendy gadget not knowing what it is or what it can do or what the competition offers, frustration at how Apple has become so rich from over-hyped products and irritation by the macevangelists that are constantly going around telling everyone how macs and apple products "just work" and are superior to everything else because they come from the almighty hand of Steve Jobs."

Its the arrogance and contempt of other people expressed in statements such as this that really piss me off.

Virtually all items sold nowadays are "over-hyped" from burgers to cat food. To assume we are all still taken in by modern advertising is insulting, especially as the corollary is that "they" of course are clear eyed and far seeing.....

My little iPad ain't no trendy gadget, it's a sturdy little work horse.

ooooh shiney shiney!
Some other iPad haters
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMnq1Iokd8c]YouTube - We Hate.... Apple iPad[/ame]

This guys says to just save your money and go to mc Donald's and buy $600 worth of hamburgers.
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