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I like the iPad....but

I like the iPad....but it is useless for surfing the web due to the lack of flash. I never even open the web browser.

I knew this when I bought it, I use if for other things that work well. I have a laptop for surfing.

Heck I use it to moderate two different forums. Useless? I was tracking a package the other day, retrieved my gmail and the link for tracking with the ipad. All from the comfort of my bed.

I bought it specifically for browsing and so far it's exceeded my expectations. The one thing that does bother me is that the default browser cannot be changed, but I can live with Safari, no problem.

I've never had a need for flash. I have an Droid with flash and I don't use it there either.
I totally agree I never use my laptop except for uploading music or back up and i am surfing daily inc banking eBay and research I don't need flash in fact it is turned off on the laptop. To each his own but for me it's heaven using the iPad for surfing the web
I am new to the IPAD, and can not understnad that I have to BUY so many things to get it to do something, I would not buy another IPAD again, I think it is much too Expensive for what you get, and you have to buy so many APS to really get it to do something, very dissapointed in this contraption, MAC computers come with everything included (Mac people always told me that) but not the IPAD, that nikkel and dimes you all the time, more than nikkel and dimes for APS. Thank you for the forum , it will help me a great deal to get anything out of this IPAD

I certainly agree with you on some points. There is a lot of nickel and dimeing on this Mac contraption. This is my first and only Mac device,and there are a lot of things about it that just make me scratch my head. Why do I have to buy a PDF reader in order to get a decent one? Same thing for various other apps that would be entirely free on Windows...ie rdp, vnc, a selection of various browsers that aren't restricted by the os and apples rules and so on. Why is it so hard to sharemfilesmto it, or copy files to and from it? The list goes on.

Do not get my wrong, I like it, but it is the cocept of the tablet that I love, the portability, the instant on, the fluidity of how it operates. What I do not like about it, is that it is made by Apple and their Nazi way of doing things.
Do not get my wrong, I like it, but it is the cocept of the tablet that I love, the portability, the instant on, the fluidity of how it operates. What I do not like about it, is that it is made by Apple and their Nazi way of doing things.

Well, there are about to be a slew of Android tablets on the market this holiday season. Do what I'm doing, hand your iPad down to your wife (or sell it) and buy an Android tablet with full functionality. Don't be fooled though by all the crap that is being released like the $100 tablets. Buy a good quality one for $3-400 and you'll get exactly what you are looking for.
Do not get my wrong, I like it, but it is the cocept of the tablet that I love, the portability, the instant on, the fluidity of how it operates. What I do not like about it, is that it is made by Apple and their Nazi way of doing things.

Well, there are about to be a slew of Android tablets on the market this holiday season. Do what I'm doing, hand your iPad down to your wife (or sell it) and buy an Android tablet with full functionality. Don't be fooled though by all the crap that is being released like the $100 tablets. Buy a good quality one for $3-400 and you'll get exactly what you are looking for.

I think its easy to see 99% of people like what apple is doing and the "closed" OS is what has made it so popular and such a " magical" device. Its easy to see people are voting for iOS with their pocketbooks. We can go on and on about full function vs iPad,open vs closed,flash vs no flash, but wow iPads are flying off the shelves........
hookbill;} Useless? I was tracking a package the other day said:
like you i like the fact where i get Wifi i can use the ipad to check email and track the packages i have inbound or when i can surf the web and play games and listen to music when i want ..

my apple iphone now is back to beening a phone now with me useing for phones calls and texts and driveing directions to and from places i need to go
Do not get my wrong, I like it, but it is the cocept of the tablet that I love, the portability, the instant on, the fluidity of how it operates. What I do not like about it, is that it is made by Apple and their Nazi way of doing things.

Well, there are about to be a slew of Android tablets on the market this holiday season. Do what I'm doing, hand your iPad down to your wife (or sell it) and buy an Android tablet with full functionality. Don't be fooled though by all the crap that is being released like the $100 tablets. Buy a good quality one for $3-400 and you'll get exactly what you are looking for.

I think its easy to see 99% of people like what apple is doing and the "closed" OS is what has made it so popular and such a " magical" device. Its easy to see people are voting for iOS with their pocketbooks. We can go on and on about full function vs iPad,open vs closed,flash vs no flash, but wow iPads are flying off the shelves........

They are selling well, and they will continue to sell well, but for someone who wants a little more from their tablet, they will soon have several quality alternatives to the iPad. Give it time, you'll see the Android tablets cutting into the iPad sales. I doubt they will outsell the iPad, or even come close, but give it time.
OT: Dannyboy85, is that a Solstice in your avatar? It looks like one, but it also looks more angular than my GXP somehow...
OT: Dannyboy85, is that a Solstice in your avatar? It looks like one, but it also looks more angular than my GXP somehow...

Yes, it's been lowered and the tinted taillights kinda give it a different stance.

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Ah, the tail lights. I was thinking it might be a Sky, but the lights looked wrong. I've never seen a white Solstice (mine's Sly gray), so that threw me as well. Thanks for clearing that up.
Have you figured out how to print a document (after installing Weprint) from a document to a printer that is not wireless? I have an HP 5440 and will be getting a wireless printer next month - however for now, only when I am the print central app on my ipad can I print anything. Do I need to import? Any help is appreciated. Thank you. :)
Calling an I-pad usless is... I dont know how to put it.
Read and learn about it and you'll see that it is not useless.
I can find a small rock in the middle of the road useless, but if I was a hard rock miner i can find a porpuse for it. I just wont buy it.
If you find the ipad useless, why buying it?
i do think when it came to buying the ipad it was over the fact that alot of people where thinking that would be getting more fuctions of computer instead of a basic all around device to use in one life..

the reason apple has the sales of the ipad is the one fact it can do the basic fuctions of the computer of surfing the internet --checking emails and sending emails and some other fuctions that people want on the computer in a light wieght protable device ..
i do think when it came to buying the ipad it was over the fact that alot of people where thinking that would be getting more fuctions of computer instead of a basic all around device to use in one life..

the reason apple has the sales of the ipad is the one fact it can do the basic fuctions of the computer of surfing the internet --checking emails and sending emails and some other fuctions that people want on the computer in a light wieght protable device ..

Perfect actually. I just happened to have an apple wireless keyboard and that really completes it. It's almost like having a laptop.

I can watch TV and check the Forums at the same time. Yes, I could do that with my Droid2 but trying to moderate with a Droid can be a bit challenging.

I think I said this before in this thread but the darn thing without a case is just so slippery.
Geez Newfmp3 get a grip, apple is nothing like the Nazi's. This sort of hyperbole is both stupid and dangerous.

They made a number of decisions regarding the iPad with regard to portability, battery life, cost etc. which they believed were right for the gadget and it's limitations at that time. That it doesn't accord with your assumptions is frankly irrelevant. At least no firing squads or death camps were involved. If you feel it's such an affront to your beliefs sell the damned thing and feel free from oppression.

I for one love the curated experience. I don't need to run virus checkers and spyware/ Trojan checkers, I don't have to create an install point before installing a program. I just click install and it works. That's all I want from my gadget. Just that it works when I want it and goes away when I want it.

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