So you're good to go then.Then again, if I showed up in a production environment with an Ipad I would probably never live down the shame!

So you're good to go then.Then again, if I showed up in a production environment with an Ipad I would probably never live down the shame!
Right. That's the part where the iPad still isn't quite there. While more apps are doing this (I notice that SplashMoney handles import & export this way), it would be better if this sort of thing were in the OS. If it were would you still want thumb drive access?Fair enough, that seems to work ok for document files.
Now what about video files? Or any files that can't be opened in Good Reader?
Or what if I want to add notes to those files? Then what? No way to modify files in GoodReader.
Currently, I'm doing those sorts of things with itunes and haven't experienced any particular pain in going this route, but I concede that approach will not always be convenient.
I'm not sure what AirPlay has to do with any of this as it was never designed to do what you are asking to do. It simply streams--and not to the iPad, from the iPad.Lets take Air Video for example, I can convert the video to watch later on when I don't have Wi-Fi, which is great. But it converts it, and then stores in on my desktop. If there was any portion of an open file system, Air Video would be able to convert it and then copy it to my iPad, all one simple easy step. But no, I have to open Air Video, convert the file, connect iPad to iTunes, copy the video into my iTunes library, go to the iPad in iTunes, go to Videos, select the new video to sync, hit sync, and then it can't just copy the video, it's gotta sync the entire iTunes library.
Huh? That is an odd thing to say without even trying it. Myself and others have tried both and like Zumocast better. For one thing, Zumocast is free... I can't see why anyone would buy Air Video now that Zumocast is out.Not AirPlay, Air Video.
I'll look into ZumoCast though, but I'll bet it pales in comparison to Air Video.
If for no other reason than this Exploding Droid phone blamed for ear injury- ? Kansas City, I think I would stay with Apple products. BTW, one of the latest news reports is that HTC phones are having the same reception issues as the iPhone 4.
If for no other reason than this Exploding Droid phone blamed for ear injury- ? KansasCity, I think I would stay with Apple products. BTW, one of the latest news reports is that HTC phones are having the same reception issues as the iPhone 4.
Thats cause the idiot over clocked his droid to the point that it over heated and finally blew up. That just falls into the category of "almost darwin award".
If for no other reason than this Exploding Droid phone blamed for ear injury- ? Kansas City, I think I would stay with Apple products. BTW, one of the latest news reports is that HTC phones are having the same reception issues as the iPhone 4.