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I need a lawyer!

Apple provides free phone support for at least 30 days. Further more the apple stores provide support one on one for free. It is your opinion that Apple dropped the bundle on support yet the information you needed was right there in the instructions. Maybe you don't like reading instructions I don't know
The fact that one needs to go to a web site or have access to a computer with Internet is common place in the IT world to obtain support regardless of what product you purchase.

Well said, Colin. Apple has been very helpful when I needed it. I was on the phone with them over an hour just recently. I found that support and number in iTunes. I have never owned an Apple toy before, but I think their customer service on the phone and at the store is awesome!

If Apple has "dropped the ball on support" can some one please explain the following report regarding customer satisfaction which included the iPad as of September this year
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ASCI) today released new data on the personal computer industry, showing consumers awarding Apple the highest scores for the seventh straight year with a record satisfaction score of 86. Nearly all other computer manufacturers came in with scores of 77, with HP's Compaq brand bringing up the rear with a 74.

CNBC spoke with ASCI about the survey and learned that, while customers continue to like Apple's products and retail store experience, much of Apple's two-point gain from last year's results appears to be driven by the inclusion of the iPad, Apple's highest-scoring product, in the numbers.
I called David VanAmburg, managing director of ACSI, to get a sense for what's behind the scores. He told me Apple's overall score was up slightly because people like its computers and the retail support experience - but he also mentioned that the numbers included the iPad for the first time.

He told me that the iPad, even at this early stage, pulled up Apple's overall numbers - which makes it the highest-scoring product Apple has, and therefore the highest-scoring product ACSI has ever tracked.
Apple has always been the best support I've ever dealt with...you know when you actually call them or go to a store.

They haven't started their telepathic customer support yet...but if any company will eventually have that apple will probably be first.

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