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I Now Have a Big Paperweight

I don't understand....

For the detailed steps on deleting some of the Apple programs in the link above, the instructions say, "After the uninstallation is complete, do not restart your computer if you are prompted to." Why not? C'mon, its Windows for crying out loud. Sooner or later, I am going to have to reboot my computer.
I don't understand....

For the detailed steps on deleting some of the Apple programs in the link above, the instructions say, "After the uninstallation is complete, do not restart your computer if you are prompted to." Why not? C'mon, its Windows for crying out loud. Sooner or later, I am going to have to reboot my computer.

because windows explodes when you reboot.

its set to a random number of reboot then it just dies.
I upgraded my iPad last night on my vista base desktop and it has been great! I was dropping the wifi constantly, since the upgrade it hasn't dropped once.:).

I upgraded one of ours earlier today and still haven't tried it yet. The upgrade went through fine probably because I did it on our Mac Mini instead of a Wintel box.
I had the same thing on my IPhone4 on Friday trying to download and install 4.0.1 I spent all day on the phone with Apple. It is a firmware problem as sent the phone back Saturday. Hope to have a new one Monday. I won't even try my iPad.:confused:

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