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i think i've finally found all the forums you guys run.. ;)

Came back after a very, very long time. Unfortunately, many of the FF sites are no more.
Forum sites, like anything else on the internet have a lifespan. Some last longer than others. Keeping the members involved and willing to return is important to keeping the forum alive.
My friend and I discussed this at great length. He said that, for the most part, the enthusiasm (for these enthusiast sites) died down some time ago. With the other OS phones, nobody roots anymore, so there went the interest. Actually, there was not a lot of interest or attempts to keep members involved to begin with. On a couple of the remaining sites, one or two of the site staff greet each other each day and you don't even see any threads started by people with questions about their device. This site, at least, seems to have some involvement remaining. I hope this site survives. ;)

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