For all its advanced concepts, Apple is very conservative about most features. The iPad camera is recycled from the iPhone 4. Why? Because it works very well, and Apple can give a great experience without very many issues. The auto industry learned a long time ago, that there is a limit to how many new features can be introduced into a new car model. No matter the manufacturer, if you go past about 3-5% new content, the disatisfaction rate goes up exponentially. And the failure rate is much higher. It is only when they find a product that is destined to be a game changer, they support it before anyone else, and make sure it is bug free as possible. They were the first to drop serial and SCSI ports and go with USB. They dropped the floppy and went with CDs. Last year, they embraced ThunderPort, and now they are first with Bluetooth 4.0 support. The iPad was not new. The concept goes back decades. It is the implementation and timing that Apple is good about.