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I would like to tell you how iPads changed my lifestyle.

Glad to see you like it. I debated the ipad2 or the galaxy tab. My gf got the galaxy. Hers has a nicer screen and better camera but putting music on my iPad was a breeze and the simplicity of the OS is great. I have the galaxy phone so I don't think I am missing out at all.
seggster said:
What an awsome piece of kit an ipad2 is.when I was a kid I could only dream that something like this would ever exist. (I'm 55)

At 50 I feel the same way. Scanning my memory, I recall some of the leaps in technology over the years, from computer systems that filled a room, to the initial boom in home computing of the early '80s. It seems to me that only now have we acquired something, in the iPad, that is truly life-changing. Where once we had to either wait for a convenient moment, or note a thought for later action, all one has to do now is reach for the iPad and transform thought into action.

Incidentally, to answer the "Who would have imagined..." question, I can tell you who. Arthur C. Clarke pretty well invented the concept of the iPad in his 1968 book "2001-A Space Odyssey". His version was limited to replacing newsprint, and was in fact called the NewsPad, but obviously involved some sort of wireless capability for updating itself, since he referred to the "ever-changing headlines". He also introduced the concept of the touch screen. The user of the NewsPad would touch a headline on the device, which would then expand to fill the screen with the body of the article. The film version of 2001 went a step further and had the actors watching television broadcasts on their wireless devices. Truly visionary.

What else would we really expect from the father of Hal9000?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
WOW super nice thread pEAcEmAKeR... thanks for your time on doing your review.

this was a great post to see the range of scope with the iPad. I have similar usage and for my particular interests I also read comics (Comic Zeal being preferred App). I also commute to London every day and have a bout a good 25 mins by train and around 20 mins by underground. So I also use this time either to read (from current list of around 165+ books) - read comics or re-watch a series of great TV shows. In addition after the iOS update I updated my home calendar and this syncs to my iTouch and work laptop via iCloud.

Like a lot of people in the forum the iPad becomes very much a DO NOT LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT kind of device ...

Nice review and also nice to see some older folks posting about ipads! I belong to that category at 62 and all too often we are considered 'past it' whereas the reality is that some of us have been using digital technology since the late 70s. Sorry, off topic but needed to be said!
I have a business and when i started using iPad 3 & meeting management apps on it like Meeting Minutes by youxel it transformed my business and made my life whole lot easier.
Hi, I'm currently thinking on buying iPad, but i doubt if my internet connection will be fine to use it. What can you recommend me?

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