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Icloud - delete apps?

Banquish said:
Settings > iCloud > storage &backup > manage storage > "iPads's name" > show all apps

From there you can see the ones with the largest file sizes. You can unselect as appropriate

Btw, apps do count towards the storage limit. Except for apps, music, photos, videos and mail, what else takes up space on your iPad? Nothing really

This was so helpful!! Thank you so much
Has anybody been able to delete their unwanted apps from the cloud? If I deleted them from my iPad, they should not be sitting in my cloud whether they take up space or not. It's intrusive, don't you think?
Actually, no, I don't think it's intrusive. If I've "paid" for an app (and I count free ones, too, as I have to put in my Apple ID), then I'd like for it to be available should I ever want it again. Having Apple store stuff I've paid for is no different, to me, than having Amazon store books that I've read.

While apps are not really tangible (they a just bits and bytes), I'd hate for money that I've spent to be just thrown away just because I don't want it at the moment. Once I've paid for something - I wouldn't want to pay for it again. Having a record of the transaction (and my ownership) recorded on Apple's servers is fine with me.

Now, if we could just have the "Hide" option back - that'd be great. Just cause Apple is storing my stuff doesn't mean it want to see it all the time... :)

iCloud. How to delete unwanted apps?

Actually, no, I don't think it's intrusive. If I've "paid" for an app (and I count free ones, too, as I have to put in my Apple ID), then I'd like for it to be available should I ever want it again. Having Apple store stuff I've paid for is no different, to me, than having Amazon store books that I've read.

While apps are not really tangible (they a just bits and bytes), I'd hate for money that I've spent to be just thrown away just because I don't want it at the moment. Once I've paid for something - I wouldn't want to pay for it again. Having a record of the transaction (and my ownership) recorded on Apple's servers is fine with me.

Now, if we could just have the "Hide" option back - that'd be great. Just cause Apple is storing my stuff doesn't mean it want to see it all the time... :)


Hi Marilyn, thanks for your input. It's still a frustration for me not being able to control my own iCloud. For instance, I downloaded a trial magazine. I didn't like it, and deleted the app. Now I have an update for the app I've deleted. I cannot get rid of it, because it wants to connect to an app I no longer have, and it arrived likely because it's in my cloud. I also wonder when we will begin to get charged for storage in the cloud. Before that gem arrives, I want to be able to control what is sitting in there. All the purchased apps I have are backed up on my laptop, so I don't need cloud storage.
Hi Marilyn, thanks for your input. It's still a frustration for me not being able to control my own iCloud. For instance, I downloaded a trial magazine. I didn't like it, and deleted the app. Now I have an update for the app I've deleted. I cannot get rid of it, because it wants to connect to an app I no longer have, and it arrived likely because it's in my cloud. I also wonder when we will begin to get charged for storage in the cloud. Before that gem arrives, I want to be able to control what is sitting in there. All the purchased apps I have are backed up on my laptop, so I don't need cloud storage.

You will not get updates for apps just because they are visible in iCloud. If you are getting updates for the app there are two possibilities. One, the app is still on the iPad, but you're not seeing it in the Newsstand or Home Screen. Two, but very unlikely, you've got an active subscription to the magazine.

To make absolutely sure the app is gone, go to Settings > General > Usage. When the Stored list shows up select Show All at the bottom of the list, then make sure the app is not there. If it is you can tap on it and choose to delete it.

To make sure you don't have an active subscription, open the App Store and go tot he bottom of the Featured tab. Tap on your Apple ID there and choose to View Apple ID. Enter your password when prompted.

There will be a Manage button under Subscriptions. Tap it to see all your Newsstand subscriptions. You can turn off Auto-Renew for any active subscription. There is no delete, because the magazine issues will continue to be available to you until the current subscription runs out.

Apps that are not downloaded on your iPad never take up your space in iCloud. Never. Nor does any other iStore content. All you are seeing are links back to your list of purchased items from the various iStores.

Apps may take up some space in iCloud if they are on your iPad, depending on whether you have iCloud back ups turned on and whether the app has data to backup. Go to Settings > Usage > Manage Storage. Select your device at the top. Each app shows up under the Next Backup Size list with it's current backup size requirements and an ON/OFF switch.

The previous page (before selecting the device) shows Documents and Data, where you can view and delete that type of storage for those apps that use it. I don't recommend deleting documents from here unless you are absolutely certain you know what they are an don't want them. It's better to delete them from the apps, so you can see what each document is.

You can also see how much space Mail takes up; though you'll have to do any cleaning up in the Mail app or at icloud.com from a computer's browser.

As you can see, you actually do have quite a bit of control over what takes up space in iCloud. Apple is not stuffing it full of stuff that you can't control just to trick you into buying more space.
Thanks for the article, Dowell5.

I did edit your post to put in a different link to the article. The link you had posted let to a site that had a nasty, non-escapable pop-up. Yes, it showed the link, but then you were forced to go to a page touting something or other. Don't need our members getting trapped into something like that - so I fixed it! :)


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