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Hello from Manila!

Hi! Waiting for my iPad 3G to arrive in May--- that is if Apple doesn't cancel my order. There are a whole lot of hoops to jump through nowadays just to get one's hands on this device overseas :( Looking forward to learning a few things here. Cheers! Oh, this is coming to you from Manila, by the way.
I'm waiting till they come to UK officially but I hope they will be able to get some over here cos of the problems with no planes been allowed to land/take off cos of the volcanic cloud from Iceland.

I tried to send birthday parcel to South Africa last week but the man says he has no idea if it would get there in time as planes had been grounded again after they allowed some flights to go last week, but I never thought about airmail and products coming in from other countries I thought it would only affect passengers going on and coming back from their holidays!

As I never go on plane I thought it didn't affect me till I relaised iPad's are probably made in US (even UK versions) and shipped here!! AARRGGHHH!! :(
Soon to be owner of a iPad

I've held off on buying an iPad because I use a Sony Reader - which I really love. Also having the option to place the books on a SD Card is great for keeping multiple books on the device all the time - space is not an issue with this option.

I own a number of Apple products, between myself and boyfriend, - 3 iphones, 7 ipods (various generations), and the list goes on. The iPad is under serious consideration, but I want to know if I can bring over my eBooks from my Sony Reader to the iPad.

I visited the Apple Store and the sales associate said it should be able to because their is a Sony Reader App on their website. But I didn't see it. So, if anyone happens to know for certain it that is available, please tell me where I can find that.

... and even if I can't I may still get the iPad because it's just to cool a device to play with anyway. :ipad-peacock:
Hi Everyone!! I am waiting for my 3G 64GB to ship :D Joined the forum to read and learn all about my new toy. I have had the itouch for a while and love it.
Like it so far..... but

Keith on the wi-fi 64 here. Still trying to learn all the features so I can get maximum iPad enjoyment.
Hi everyone:
I ordered mine from the Apple Store and it's suppose to arrive next week sometime. I played with one at our local Best Buy and knew I had to have one. I wanted the 64 GB 3G one but I was told that they sold out in the first 15 minutes of opening on launch day. I called to see if they had anymore come in and was told that they would trickle in on UPS every so often. So, that is why I ordered from the Apple Store.
I love all kinds of new gadgets. When something comes out that could be entertaining, we usually end up getting it. My husband and I both have Palm Pre cell phones, love playing Wii with friends and have most of the handheld game systems.
I guess you could say that we are young at heart.
This sounds familiar :) I have had every iPhone model, all the game consoles, and knew I had to have an iPad when I saw Steve announce it! Have had it since Friday and can't imagine NOT having it now. This Grandmother is a bigger techie than the kids or grandkids! I think maybe I appreciate it all more than they do because I didn't have any if it growing up and they had it all!!
Mitten here. Didn't think I wanted/needed an iPad until I spent an hour at the local Apple Store. Mitten was smitten!
I have a 3G iPad on order and expect delivery by May 15. As it will be my first experience owning an Apple computer (I do have an iPod), I'm hoping to learn lots from this forum.
Hi everyone:
I ordered mine from the Apple Store and it's suppose to arrive next week sometime. I played with one at our local Best Buy and knew I had to have one. I wanted the 64 GB 3G one but I was told that they sold out in the first 15 minutes of opening on launch day. I called to see if they had anymore come in and was told that they would trickle in on UPS every so often. So, that is why I ordered from the Apple Store.
I love all kinds of new gadgets. When something comes out that could be entertaining, we usually end up getting it. My husband and I both have Palm Pre cell phones, love playing Wii with friends and have most of the handheld game systems.
I guess you could say that we are young at heart.

Welcome on board Sorry I missed you enjoy the Forum

Hi Im deoknam from Manila, Philippins. Apple has not release here in Manila but I got mine :D already courtesy of a friend. Anyway, i read it's capability and that's why I like to have one. But I dont know how to start putting all those programs. Please help!
Welcome to our forum my partner is phillipino so we have something in commmon
Do you have a visa or MasterCard card there is away to buy us iTunes cards then you can acesss buying from us iTunes let me know ok then I will explain how it works.

Colin Australia

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