iPF Noob
Hi everyone....i've just bought an ipad from ebay to use for games.
I'm an ipad newbie....so please be patient with me
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Hi everyone....i've just bought an ipad from ebay to use for games.
I'm an ipad newbie....so please be patient with me
Excuse me ?
I'm sorry, I thought I'd done that, even though I was admonished again.
However -
I'm Mike from Germany, area of Coblence, age of 70, running an IPad 1 (i.e. without cam !), being a Newbee (or Noobi) in this matter (and to using forums at all), currently trying to work out a way to connect a webcam to the pad via bluetooth, if that's possible in any way.
This idea was brought to me from a pouch with built-in keyboard, I found in the PEARL shop - it's working excellent.
OK - I've received some help already from ikrazy, which I'm most grateful for, and I hope to share some more experience with other more experienced colleagues - I'd appreciate any comment.