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Ifaraday vs Stylus-R-Us stylus


iPF Novice
Can anyone compare these two styli? I own an Ifaraday and Griffin stylus and prefer the Ifaraday. However, I've been reading some amazing reviews about the Stylus-R-Us brand. They are a bit pricey so I'd like a comparison to the Ifaraday if possible. I don't do writing or art work. It's mostly for tapping type tasks. Thanks for any input.

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Can anyone compare these two styli? I own an Ifaraday and Griffin stylus and prefer the Ifaraday. However, I've been reading some amazing reviews about the Stylus-R-Us brand. They are a bit pricey so I'd like a comparison to the Ifaraday if possible. I don't do writing or art work. It's mostly for tapping type tasks. Thanks for any input.

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For your uses, I think you may want to stick with the iFaraday. I haven't used the Stylus-R-Us brand primarily because it appears to involve relatively high maintenance to restore its performance from time to time. Further, though I'm a very satisfied iFaraday owner, I've come to the conclusion that this is really a highly personal decision based on the uses and the style of an individual user.
jsh1120 said:
For your uses, I think you may want to stick with the iFaraday. I haven't used the Stylus-R-Us brand primarily because it appears to involve relatively high maintenance to restore its performance from time to time. Further, though I'm a very satisfied iFaraday owner, I've come to the conclusion that this is really a highly personal decision based on the uses and the style of an individual user.

Yeh, that's kind of how I was thinking but was wondering if anyone had a direct comparison. Thanks for the reply.

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I couldn't resist adding my two cents worth for whatever it’s actually worth. I had the Ifaraday and it was the biggest mistake I could have made. Next to, that is, all the PoGo's and Boxwaves and Griffins. I then switches to the other one you mentioned, Stylus-R-Us and omg have they ever got it going on. Sure they are costly. Like everything that is the best, isn't?? Like someone else said, you get what you pay for. You paid huge bucks for your device, yet you can't spend a few more bucks for what works exactly as they show on their videos and site? Anyone reading this, don't be scammed by the ifaraday. It's junk. The name itself is a joke. 90% of the others who have post on this site, are for Stylus-R-Us. Do the math. Don't let one or two people who don't even have a Stylus-R-Us stylus, mislead you and cause you to spend more money on all the other pitiful stylus. Just watch the youtube videos on their website first page on stylusrus at beststylusDOTcom. It can't be any clearer which is best. I bought a telescopic model for my iPad and I use it for everything: typing messages and e-mails, in games, note-taking and even my new passion: drawing.
I couldn't resist adding my two cents worth for whatever it’s actually worth. I had the Ifaraday and it was the biggest mistake I could have made. Next to, that is, all the PoGo's and Boxwaves and Griffins. I then switches to the other one you mentioned, Stylus-R-Us and omg have they ever got it going on. Sure they are costly. Like everything that is the best, isn't?? Like someone else said, you get what you pay for. You paid huge bucks for your device, yet you can't spend a few more bucks for what works exactly as they show on their videos and site? Anyone reading this, don't be scammed by the ifaraday. It's junk. The name itself is a joke. 90% of the others who have post on this site, are for Stylus-R-Us. Do the math. Don't let one or two people who don't even have a Stylus-R-Us stylus, mislead you and cause you to spend more money on all the other pitiful stylus. Just watch the youtube videos on their website first page on stylusrus at beststylusDOTcom. It can't be any clearer which is best. I bought a telescopic model for my iPad and I use it for everything: typing messages and e-mails, in games, note-taking and even my new passion: drawing.

Have nothing against your choice. Styluses are, I think, a very personal choice. But your post is offensive, at best. And that is being diplomatic. You provide no evidence to support your view, just invective. In fact, given the documented history of the Stylus-R-Us manufacturer's email responses to some of his customers, I'm struck by the similarity of those emails and your post.
JSH1120 : I don't think there's nothing offensive in my post. Like you said: A very personal choice. For me, iFaraday didn't work, and it was wasted money. I did buy it and try it. The e-mails that I had with Stylus-R-Us during the process of buying were answered fast and they were cordial and very informative. What really upsets me, because I've seen it with other products, is people like you, that haven't use a product and still has the courage to express a thought about it. What do you do? Give people wrong information. How can you tell somebody that you think something is this or that if you haven't use it? Like I said, I've seen this with lots of products (electronics or a simple candy bar) and it really upsets me because in the majority of times the product is excellent but it doesn't get to the customers. And, NO, even though you think I have something to do with Stylus-R-Us, I do not. I'm a happy customer.
Okay then.

Folks ~ I don't want to close this thread. Appropriate sanctions have already been distributed, any takers for seconds?

It can be a good discussion if we keep the personal feelings out of it and just discuss. Are we adults or children? All have valid points and some have hands on experience with regards to a certain stylus.

Lets keep it civil and respectful.
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I feel like I've awakened the wrath of some sort of stylus cult. Let me be clear. The OP indicated that he already had an iFaraday stylus that he used a stylus principally for "tapping," and asked whether he should purchase another (relatively expensive) stylus for his uses. I simply responded that although I had not used the Stylus-R-Us brand stylus, the evidence was that it required "relatively high maintenance" to restore its performance "from time to time." What I was referring to was the manufacturer's own advice to "fluff" the tip with velcro to restore the stylus' sensitivity since it declined over time. I have nothing against the Stylus-R-Us brand; I simply voiced the opinion that purchasing an expensive stylus for limited requirements ("no writing or art work") versus keeping what one already has at no additional expense was probably not the best choice.

What followed was an attack on the iFaraday stylus as "the biggest mistake I could have made," "junk," "a joke," and "pitiful." At no point did the poster indicate why he had reached that conclusion. Given the substantial number of positive reviews of the iFaraday styluses on this website, I simply noted that the invective was uncalled for and that the style of the response seemed familiar. I would have said the same thing if I didn't happen to own an iFaraday stylus (along with several others.) Such a virulent attack would seem to call for concrete evidence. The post contained none.

I was curious so I did a search of posts from last spring and found a similar pattern in other threads. Frankly, it appears that there is either a single person or a small group of people devoted to promoting the Stylus-R-Us brand and to attacking anyone who has less than glowing recommendations for its products. The similar language and points made in those posts suggests, at best, that a script is being used to formulate those responses; an observation made in other threads where the glowing recommendations for Stylus-R-Us products run to a particular pattern.

As noted above, I have nothing against the Stylus-R-Us brand or those who are devoted to it. If the OP had asked whether he should spend $40 or more on any stylus to replace his current tool simply to tap the screen, my advice would have been the same. And I'll stand by my original point that the critical post to which I responded was uncalled for. For the record, I have no more interest in continuing this particular discussion than I would discussing religion with a Scientologist, an effort that seems analogous to this one.
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Off topic commentary ~ My impression of the attributes of the Stylus-R-Us products came from material provided by the manufacturer and the review by a well-known and trusted reviewer of various styluses on this forum. Regular readers will know whom I referring to and I won't drag his name into this silly discussion out of respect for him. Suffice to say, I'm done.
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Well, I feel the need to make my own comments, particularly since I have extensively tested all of the styluses being discussed.

In particular, I agree with jsh1120 that Dale66's comments were poorly chosen to say the least. In fact, I did personally find them to be offensive. If anyone reads his comments carefully and compares them with what I have just said-and with the several threads I have posted on these accessories-I think he or she will agree that I have just cause.

And jsh1120 is also right in his observations about the similarity of the postings of Dale66 and suzzie567. I noticed, too, that they each have a very small number of postings. Add to that the fact that they are very much like the postings of the iWand developer on earlier threads devoted to that topic and one certainly comes to the conclusion that there is a high probability they were written by the same person or by individuals belonging to the same coalition.

I am always somewhat taken aback by posters who start off their association with a forum with flame postings. I hope that the moderators will read all our various postings carefully before choosing who to censor or to impose sanctions upon for inconsiderate behavior.
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I am always somewhat taken aback by posters who start off their association with a forum with flame postings. I hope that the moderators will read all our various postings carefully before choosing who to censor or to impose sanctions upon for inconsiderate behavior.

and also interrupt other posts that were not about their product to "sell" on that post. A big signal flare to me.....
iFaraday: another thumbs up

I am very surprised at the vituperative comments such as "Anyone reading this, don't be scammed by the ifaraday. It's junk. The name itself is a joke." was posted

The iFaraday has been by far the best stylus I have used and the many people I gifted it to felt the same way. I cannot understand what objection can be leveled at it by the above, or by MacWorld who gave it a midling rating. In contrast to rubber tipped styli, it glides nicely on the surface of the tablet regardless of the pressure applied, while rubber tipped styli tend to stick with even moderate pressure. It does not break as easily, while the plastic clip on the Pogo does. The one on the Boxwave resists poorly to twisting. Finally, one of the iFaraday models has a removable clip which can be removed, which is useful for inserting in self adhesive pen holders that can be fixed to the back of an ipad.

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