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iKeywi HD for iPad - The new 5-Row Keyboard Tweak!

New to jailbroken Ipad 3. I can find ikeywi but it says the prodict requires an iphone. In the same screen there is a link for the iKeywi HD for Ipad link but when i press it I get "unable to load (resourdes unavailable). Where can I find the ipad apps or is there a search in Cydia.
texasez said:
New to jailbroken Ipad 3. I can find ikeywi but it says the prodict requires an iphone. In the same screen there is a link for the iKeywi HD for Ipad link but when i press it I get "unable to load (resourdes unavailable). Where can I find the ipad apps or is there a search in Cydia.

The link does not work. Just use the search magnifier and enter ikeywi and it should appear in the search results.
Very happy also the auto-cap is finally fixed. I also could not get the arrows to work either so I just re-mapped them to something more useful like . ! and :
Very happy also the auto-cap is finally fixed. I also could not get the arrows to work either so I just re-mapped them to something more useful like . ! and :

Yeah, me too. I guess I was too used to not having arrow keys. So, when they didn't work, I also remapped mine.

Anyway, with SwipeSelection, not having arrow keys is really not that bad. And, now I have four extra keys to put a character I use often. Sweeeeeeet! :D

After going into Settings/iKeywi HD, clicking off, then back on cursor controls button, then Save and resorting, my arrow keys work! Can say if toggling the cursor button was the trick or just the S&S button.
Question! I'm customizing my keyboard and want to add another "Delete" key where the "=" key is. Anyone know how to do that?
anotherscott said:
Do iKeywiHD and SwipeSelection work together, you can install both at the same time?

Yes, but in iKeywi you are advised to turn off cursor control if using swipeselection. You do that in the Settings app.
Excalibur_1 said:
I've just been in the settings app for iKeyWi and there's no option in there for turning off cursor control. Only alt key assigning and Pinyin control. What am I missing?

An iPad? Sounds to me like you are not using one... ;)
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Ah. Silly me. I sometimes get the two forums mixed up. I was indeed using my iPhone. So are you saying that there's something unique to using iKeyWi and SwipeSelection on an *iPad* that would require you to turn off cursor control in iKeyWi?

Thanks for your patience with me.

Yes. iKeywi on the iPad has cursor keys on the keyboard. The iPhone version does not. So the iPad version has an option to turn OFF the cursor keys if you are going to manage the cursor using swipeselection. It's not relevant to the iPhone because you don't have the keys to clash with... See the fist post which shows the keys in the bottom right...
Dont know if it's just me but really struggling with swipe selection, I think I must slide my fingers while typing, I spend more time correcting my sentences, I wish it wasn't as sensitive!!
How do I change one of the keys such as from arrow up to .COM?

Go to your Settings app > iKeywi. Select either the "Customizing Keys" or the "Customizing Alt Keys" line:


Then, put you ".com" where you wish. In this picture, I picked to put in on key #1, though I believe the arrow keys are somewhere around 14-19... Oh, and to be on the safe side, if you are removing the arrow keys, make sure the cursor control is off.


Once you've finished making the changes, hit that "Save and Respring" button and when your iPad has finished respringing, that key should be as you want.

hope that helps.


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