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When a male bird can't stand it anymore! Priceless shot! One in a million!!! A photographer will die of old age waiting to get another shot like this one. Keep Laughing. Best medicine for the heart and the mind

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40086"/>

Hey guys, I got a trifecta! Photo, laugh and quote!!!!! WOOHOO :-)

Absolutely amazing!
Thank you every one, but I only posted it. Imagine the person who made it! Like the cystine chapel or something! I agree with all of your comments! I bookmarked that page so I can always go back and be amazed again! ;-)

Ferdinand (tudorplace.com)


Palpatine (thepf.com)

- or -


Penguin (wikipedia)

I couldn't resist sharing these too. You can see the hand puppet shadows that would have been if the paintings weren't there!

I don't understand why this one wont let me cancel OR EDIT. But it is too late and I am too tired too figure it out. All I want you all to know is TWISTED SIFTER is the site I found both art pieces and hopefully you can visit yourself a d be WOWED! If you do go to this site and look at the invisible man gallery can anyone tell me where the invisible man #2 of front end loader is? I can't find him!! Thanks, Squib.
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Snow melted off the sidewalk, except where shaded by the shadow of the tree trunk.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40129"/>

It will also melt when the shadow disappears, I think.
You often seem to find amazing things like this.

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