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Installing Safari plugin


iPF Noob

I just downloaded a plugin for Safari as a zip file. It now displays the file name and 'Open in' options. However I want install the plugin and not open it in any of the suggested applications (PDF reader etc?). Can anybody tell me how I install a Safari plugin that is a zip file or is it not possible to install plugins for Safari on the iPad2.

Unfortunately, there is no way to install plug-ins for Safari on any iPad. It's just not made to download and run software (to include plug-ins) from the 'Net. You have to get all your "stuff" from the App Store.

Now, depending on what you want the plug-in to do, or what it's for, maybe a bookmarklet will do the job? Have a look at this thread for some ideas (there are more out there on the Web): http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-faq/72353-guide-creating-safari-bookmarklets.html

Hope this clarifies.


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