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TUTORIAL - Adding BBCi Player to your Jailbroken Appletv (UK ONLY)


iPF Novice
As most of my film viewing is through XBMC then I thought it was only fair to see if I could add BBCi player to its long list of useful apps........hey, we all need to catch up on Eastenders!!

So what you need are.....

1) Jailbroken Appletv (see here for how to http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...tutorial-jailbreak-appletv-2g-seas0npass.html )

2) XBMC installed on AppleTV (see here for how to install XBMC post no. 12 http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...tutorial-jailbreak-appletv-2g-seas0npass.html )

3) Cyberduck (for ssh'ing onto AppleTV) - I found this easier than Putty in this situation!

You can find Cyberduck here - Cyberduck - its available for Windows http://cyberduck.ch/windows/Cyberduck-Installer-4.2.1.exe
and available for Mac http://cyberduck.ch/Cyberduck-4.2.1.zip

4) BBCi Player plugin - http://xbmc-iplayerv2.googlecode.com/files/iPlayer-v2.4.13.zip

Download all the above onto your PC, I am using Windows so I can only tell you what I'm seeing, Leave the BBCi plugin as a Zip File

Open up Cyberduck and install onto your PC, when this is done, double click on its icon and lets get going!!

In Cyberduck, top left hand side, click open connection,

On the drop down menu click on SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

In the area SERVER type in the IP address of your AppleTV, its located in Settings--->General--->Network

In the area USERNAME type in root

In the area PASSWORD type in alpine

Click on CONNECT

you are now connected to your AppleTV, if it asks for you to allow certain things, click on allow, we will now need to copy the plugin zip file to the correct file......

In the drop down menu click on the root file /private/var

Double Click on mobile

Double Click on Applications

Now get your BBCi Player Plugin that you downloaded, Copy it and Paste it into the Application folder youy have open in Cyberduck (it needs to be a Zip File so don't convert it!!)

OK, at this point you now have BBCi Player on your AppleTV, but we need it on XBMC now, so you can now exit Cyberduck and go to your AppleTV

I'm using the latest version of XBMC, which is nice and easy to use as all the files are locatable in XBMC!

Start XBMC on your AppleTV

go to SYSTEM (Right Hand Side of options)


Click on ADD-ONS



Click on Applications

In here you should find your BBCi Player Zip File, Double Click on it and you are all done!!

by pressing the MENU key a few times on your AppleTV remote it will take you back to the Main Screen

Go to VIDEOS and click below on ADD-ONS

and there is BBCi Player in all its watchable goodness, it should when you click on it give you a TV and Radio option, click on one and away you go, at this point pour yourself a glass of favourite drink, pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on being a DUDE!!

Hope this has been a help, I am now going to try and do the same with the ITV player, i'll post up when I have succeeded.

If your struggling leave a message below, if you've managed to complete enjoy the Eastenders Christmas Special LOL :D
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