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iPF Noob
Hello - I'm an iPad user but I also have an Apple MacBook and an iPhone 13. I'm not particularly computer knowledgeable though I've been using computers for many years.
My interests involve painting, mostly pastels and oils, and I decided to get the iPad because I'd like to get into digital painting though I've yet to start as other things get in the way. One of these is that I'm at present translating a book on the War in the Vendée from French into English. I live in France, (which helps!), in Burgundy. My interests extend far and wide and I'm very much a book worm, especially on subjects to do with military and naval history.
I'm having a couple of problems at present with my iPad that I've now had for some nine months so I found this site (thanks to Siri) as I'd like to ask for some advice which I'll be doing shortly.

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